“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 14 February 2014


What a morning!

Firstly, Happy Valentine's Day! 

Especially to those of us who have been deserted on the Day of Love. LOL!

For years, I was one of those people who swore that they hated Valentine's Day - that you should tell someone you love them EVERY day and you should get gorgeous flowers and chocolates all throughout the year.

But the truth of it is, we all love Valentine's day really! We're just jealous when we see our Facebook news feeds rammed with pictures of all the fabulous and romantic gestures other people are giving/receiving! 

So yah, I'm feeling a bit meh about that. It sucks. But I shall be seeing my newly engaged friend later, whose new fiancee left yesterday on a business trip. So he's feeling deserted as well and we're going to whine and moan and be deserted together. 

B******s point number one about this morning:

I am HUNGOVER. I'm not joking - SERIOUSLY hungover.

B******s point number two:

Due to b******s point number one, my alarm went off at 6am, I switched it off, rolled over and went back to sleep.....woke up at 7.30am and realised that there was no way in hell I was going to make it back to my house, pick up all my documents and get to the Thai embassy for 9am. So I missed my visa appointment. Great.

B******s point number three:

My neck is caning from sleeping on a sofa.

B******s point number four:

It's snowing. Heavily. I didn't have a hat or an umbrella this morning, so by the time I got to the station, I looked like I had just stepped out the shower. Classy. 

I've basically been really bad at catching up with people since I've been back from London. My schedule is a bit awkward, so I'm always meeting people really late.....plus, I was spending a lot of time with one particular person.  I finally caught up with one of my friends last night, got to chow down jerk chicken and we were there chatting away, and before I knew it, it was 1am and I'd missed my last train. I was so set on making sure that I got up early so that I would be able to come back home and get all my stuff together, so when I woke up late, I was seriously annoyed. I don't think I've ever gotten dressed that quickly!! HAHA! It was a bit freaky, because I was using all my friend's girlfriend's stuff and completely lucked out when I checked her contact lens prescription - it's EXACTLY the same as mine, so I got a free pair of lenses out of it as well! LOL! I'll leave him to explain that one!

It's not all bad though. Because of the snow, my first private lesson cancelled and I don't have another one until later this evening, so I basically have the day off! Time to work on this visa application - why I thought it was a good idea to make an appointment this morning when I don't even have any of the documents prepared is beyond me! And I know I moan about the snow all the time, but being inside and looking out the window with a hot cup of tea in my hand? It's super pretty. I bet some couples are going to have an awesomely romantic evening with a snowy backdrop. 

Lucky them!


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