“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 23 February 2014

Close Call

To day I had a stressful week last week is an understatement.

I'm not joking - my stress levels went through the effing ROOF!

Mammoth dramas at the Thai embassy led to my visa application getting rejected. I can't even be arsed to get into, but I have never been that close to losing my temper in public. Let alone with an embassy official.

Seriously - I just wanted to shoot a hole in the plastic screen and punch her in the face. And then slam my stiletto bang into the middle of her forehead. Stupid *****. I literally had to ask her to take a moment to calm down - after all, don't **** with the people who have the power to let you in or kick your arse out of a country!

HOWEVER, thanks to a lot fo support and encouraging words from some fabulous people, it's done and dusted and I FINALLY have my visa. I had a bit of a surprise supporter as well - it's weird how people step up in stressful situations and I was shocked to see this particular person offering to help and constantly being there. No idea what made that happen, but of course, I'm grateful for the support. I'm not generally one to think about "What ifs" but in this case I was....because it would've meant losing a crap load of money.

 But it's over and there's no point thinking about it like that anymore. Now I need to get stuck into the 100 hours of reading I'm supposed to have done before the course started. I know - it's not gonna happen. I'm insanely busy over the next couple of weeks, but I'm gonna do what I can. In between working and trying to catch up with friends, it's gonna be hard.

So it's gonna be a long, hot bath and an early night fcr me!


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