“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Feeling That Burn!

Holy c***.

I don't even think I can put into words the burn that is running through my arms, abs and thighs. I love the way it feels, but it's making life difficult! LOL!

So you've probably seen on FB that I've started hitting up the gym again. After months of extreme stress and bad health, I've dropped a ridiculous amount of weight and am not taking the steps to try and put it back on again.

Probably going to be hated for saying this, but it's not an easy task! LOL!

I don't believe in diets, but I have upped my calorie and protein intake to try and speed up the process. Meaning that the ridiculous amount of food I'm scoffing everyday is leaving me feeling VERY full. 

But I've decided that I want to put the weight back on in the form of muscle, so I've been trying to supplement my fave cardio workouts with weight training. My bf was always talking about the P90X programme, so I thought that this would be a good time to try and check it out - especially seeing as he has EVERYTHING for it at his house already, and given where I'm staying right now, I'm not going to be able to get to the gym as much as I was over the last couple of weeks. 

So on Sunday, I started. I just wish I'd done my research and started with P90 first! HAHAHA! 

Things I've worked out after just Day 1 of this programme.

I HATE push ups. In any form. Day 1 is chest, back and abs, and a horrible rotation of push up variations, pull ups and chins up. All which are absolutely ghastly. I could do like 3 proper push ups before I had to cheat and use my knees. I managed about one or two proper pull ups before I had to reach for the chair, and I couldn't even keep up with the pace during the Ab Ripper X section. 

I am in such bad shape! Well, not bad shape, but I have like ZERO upper body strength. And feeling this burn has just made me even more determined to stick at it and build that strength up.

Yesterday was plyometrics day. When I was watching the video, it really didn't look that bad. Just a little bit of jumping around......


First mistake right there.

Plyometrics day is KILLER! I think I managed about 40 minutes out of the hour before I gave up. I think the fact that I was absolutely knackered as well didn't help - I think I'll be more likely to stick at it if I could get up earlier and work out in the morning instead of trying to force myself to do it at night. Yes, I know that you're supposed to be persistent and keep going and never give up, but the way I look at it, 40 minutes is better than 0 minutes, right? (^_-) And my thighs are definitely feeling that 40 minute workout today. Jump squats, lunges, marches, you name it - it's in there.

The programme comes with a nutrition plan, but I've decided not to follow that. I've always eaten what I wanted, and given the amount of weight I've lost, I feel like I can get back into shape through exercise alone. It is a great plan though, if weight loss if your goal. As long as I can keep up regular workouts, I don't see it being a problem. (*^_^*) The only problem is actually trying to stick with this programme - it's hard, it's intense and it HURTS! But, I've heard nothing but positive things about the results, so I'm going to try my best. That's all you can do, ne. Although I don't know how that's going to work over the festive season! HAHAHA!

I'm still going to try and hit the gym as much as my schedule will allow. I can't wait for next year when I can make some major changes to my work/life balance and start focussing on the things that matter more. 

Next year is going to be huge. It's exciting. And scary.


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