“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 8 November 2014

What A Response!

My goodness me - what a response to my last post!

When I wrote that post on monogamy, I was literally going on a rant. I never in a milion years expected such an overwhelming response!! Line messages, email messages and my inbox on FB was inundated with messages from women who have been through the hell of finding out their men have been fooling around online, from men who have been hurt by women doing the same thing, and also by men trying to justify why they do it, as well as people who also just wanted to voice their disgust at how the internet has made cheating even easier.

Now let me clear a few things up.

I was never just attacking men. If you read the post properly, I made it clear that I was also talking about women. The use of the word "people" was a deliberate choice as to not only target men in my rant. Anyone who behaves like that is disgusting. 

I'm pretty sure the reason some people were getting so het up about it is because they could relate - they are one of those people that I'm talking about. They are one of those people who are disrespecting their partners and hurting them out of greed and selfishness. Awful. If you claim to love someone, then you need to make sure your partner feels it. Words aren't enough...and mean nothing when your actions are the opposite. If this is you, then do the decent thing and break up with your partner. Give them the chance to be happy with someone who actually deserves their loyalty and love.

Secondly, NO! The woman that I am talking about in my post IS NOT ME! LOL - what are you on?!?! That would be hypocrisy at it's finest!

Thirdly, NO! I am not claiming to be an angel. I have a past. But that's the past and I have gotten my comeuppance. And I would never do that to someone I claimed to be in love with. End of. Cheating on someone that you had been dating for like a week is hardly the same. Some might say cheating is cheating...but if you behave like that and hurt someone that you claim to love, have been with for years and were building a future together with...it's far more heartbreaking, more painful and far worse. Sorry. That trust is going to take a LONG time to get back....if it comes back at all.

Fourthly, thank you to those who shared your own experiences with me. They all sound horrible and pulled on my heartstrings. A few even brought tears to my eyes. How people can treat such wonderfully good natured people like that is just mindblowing. Good luck to those of you who had the strength to walk away....and even more good luck to those of you who made the decision to forgive and work it out. The fear that it will happen again can consume you....I hope the trust does come back. Keep me posted!  

Lastly, that post was just a rant, but there is a message in there for anyone who has cheated, is cheating right now, or is even thinking about cheating. 

Don't do it. If that's where you are, walk away from your relationship. It's not fair to intentionally inflict that kind of pain onto someone. If you decide to go down that path, don't get mad when you get caught and don't expect to be forgiven. It takes an extremely generous (or stupid, in some cases) person to forgive infidelity....but bear in mind, a second chance is a gift....you don't deserve any more than that. Take it to show your partner just HOW sorry you are and that you will do whatever you need to to fix it.

Show your partner the respect and loyalty they deserve.

LOL - this topic gets me so worked up!!!!!


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