“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 12 November 2014

True Remorse

I read a super insightful article when I couldn't sleep this morning.

Funny, because I thought that going to a late night endurance spinning class would have knackered me out. On my way home, I was thinking how excited I was to go to bed and sleep all the way through until my alarm went off.

Yah, I knocked out when I got home...and then I was up at 1am....4am....5am....6am....8am....

**sigh** WTF man.

Anyway, if you haven't read the article, the link's on my FB page. 

So simple. Generosity and kindness. Or so you would think. When I was reading through this, I realised that those traits could be extended into every area of life. Dealing with constant criticism and negativity at work or at home can be unhealthy. Exhausting.

Yesterday I reluctantly met with one of the people who caused me a whole load of hurt a few months ago. It wasn't by choice - that person contacted me and when I didn't reply, they just rocked up. How they knew where I would be at that time remains a mystery to me, but there they were.

You know before when I was talking about monogamy, and that when someone f**** up they should be willing to do WHATEVER it takes to fix the situation  if they want to stay in the other person's life? Well, that mentality applies to other stuff and other f***-ups as well.

Yesterday - now THAT was an apology.

It wasn't just an apology. It was an EXPLANATION of why that person did what they did. Anyone who has ever been betrayed craves that explanation. It is so important to get that in order to move on. It was a heartful, meaningful, genuine apology. Full of remorse for what that person did; for how that person had hurt me. I felt every single word. I knew that that person was truly sorry for what they had done from the bottom of their heart. The genuiness of the whole episode made me well up.

OK, that's a lie. I totally cried.

That person practically begged for forgiveness. They told me that they would do literally anything I needed them to to let them back in my life. That person was on their knees on the floor.

Generosity and kindness.

I forgave them.

And I told them that I would give them the chance to SHOW me that I could trust them again. SHOW me, don't tell me. Actions speak louder than words.

Try EVERYTHING before walking away from a situation that you don't really want to walk away from. After an apology like that, that person deserves for me not to just give up on them. 

That whole episode has been playing on my mind all day. Literally.

And then all I kept thinking after all the stories I heard and thinking back to the dramas of a few months ago, actually all I kept wishing, was that others who have f***** up would show the same kind of remorse. The same kind of determination to try and win trust back.

I don't need people to literally beg for forgiveness when they f*** up. But I think what people do need is to genuinely feel that the other person understands that what they did was wrong; that it was extremely hurtful, and destroyed any trust that was there. People need to feel that that person will do what they need to to get things back to a better place - not only understand what they NEED to do, but also be WILLING and WANT to do it. What happened yesterday opened my eyes that other people just aren't trying hard enough. And from that, I think one can only deduce that they don't want to. What I saw yesterday was 200% effort.

Don't just SAY it. 

SHOW it.

Prove it.

LOL as soon as I wrote that, "Say Something" came on the radio. Is that a scary sign?!

I guess it's true.

Prove it.


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