“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 9 November 2014


I love food.

I love eating it. I love cooking it. I love looking at it.

Don't you just love it when you fall in love with a new restaurant? One of the most amazing things about Tokyo is that there are so many places to eat....around 88,000 actually!! I was in Ostrea in Roppongi last night - a restaurant famous for divine oysters. 

It's a cute joint...I've seen it so many times before from the other side of the road while I've been walking to Roppongi Hills, so it was nice to finally go in and check it out.


That place has literally gone onto my list of faves and that is easily one of my favourite menus. I am making it a personal mission to have tried everything on that menu within the next 6 months. There's literally nothing on it I wouldn't eat. I had a bit of a priceless moment when I saw the waiter's face as I was ordering. I opened the menu to the baked oysters page and ordered one of everything on the page.

Waiter: "That's 9 oysters"

Me: Yes, I know.

Waiter: Most people order 2 or 3.

Me: I'm hungry.

Waiter: OK, thank you very much.

Me: No, wait! I haven't finished. Can I have the foie gras, Caesar salad and cheese risotto as well, please.

Waiter: Are you going to share?

Me: **blushing furiously as I look over at my companions** Ummmm.....no?


Luckily one of the people I was with knows me well enough to know that when I'm hungry, I'm just a complete pig. I did end up sharing a bit of the risotto, but I completely destroyed the rest. The oysters were just spectacular. And I completely ignored the strange looks I was getting making 'O' noises with every mouthful.

Soooooo delicious. And it was all washed down with a couple glasses of champagne.


I can't even begin to tell you how much I enjoyed dinner. It wasn't the ambience or the company...it was the friggin FOOD. I just smiled my way through the whole thing and had a great time!

After dinner, we headed to Nishi-Azabu, where I was introduced to another hidden gem. 
Such a cool, funky little joint with divine champagne and rum. And whiskey, if you're into that. I just loved watching the bartender at work - he was a really cool guy and super fun to talk to. Unlike the people I was with. LOL.

The conversation turned to these guys cheating on their wives. The whole time they were talking, with every single word, all I could think was that this is EXACTLY what I was blogging about. This is EXACTLY what I mean. Two more to add to the list.

Before I knew what was happening, the words were out my mouth.

"You're a f****** pig".

Oh f***.

This was def someone that I should NOT have been speaking to like that. I just froze. You know what he did?

He snorted like a pig, laughed, and then said:

"All men are, Jade. All men are."


There must be someone out there with honourable intentions! How depressing.

I won't even tell you where I left my companions before I just decided to jump in a cab home. 

Apart from the last part, I had a great time. And now I have two more fabulous places to go...and take someone special.


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