“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 23 January 2015

Determination and Motivation

After working early this morning, I found myself in the gym at 9am. 

That turned into a 2.5 hour workout session.


Just because I had time to burn before my next gig.

And it felt AMAZING. I'm still at that point where I am trying to work out my body's limits, and whilst I did push today, I know I can push harder. I just didn't want to overdo it and leave myself crippled for days! LOL!

I see people's fitness pics all the time on FB. What's really inspiring is how women are moving from just doing cardio to lose weight, to lifting in order to be strong. Over the last couple of years, strong has definitely become the new sexy and that is the direction I want to take myself in. Everyone looks fantastic and healthy and sexy, and a bit of extra muscle is never a bad thing if you need to box someone in the face!

I don't have the time to spend that long in the gym everyday, but I definitely want to be hitting at least 3 days a week of substantial weight training, on top of the aerobics classes I want to go to. My gym membership is so expensive, and for years, I have been throwing that money away by not going....that definitely needs to change this year.

I just wish I had a workout buddy! I remember when I was in Kyushu, my girl and I always went to the gym together, and we ended up going like 3 or 4 times a week. That was a nice routine. Hopefully I can get back into that again! Meanwhile, if anyone out there is going to Tipness, hit me up!

On a completely different note, I went on an impromptu trip to Okinawa last weekend. It was weird going there and not seeing the people I usually see when I head down there. I'd never been there in this season either, so that a bit different as well. One thing's for sure, memories came flooding back and it made me wish my friends were still there.

The weekend definitely went in a different direction than I was expecting. It was this crazy mix of emotions, and to say that I was left completely confused is an understatement. I don't know how else to describe it!

Regardless, I loved getting away for the weekend. I'm not going to be able to go far every month, but just to get out of Tokyo and be in different surroundings is just such a nice change. I didn't have it last year. And this year is definitely the year when I'm going to be making some major changes. Some are scary, some are not. Some will cause pain, others will cause happiness. 

The number one thing for me right now, is to work on myself and what's important to me. 


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