“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 14 September 2011


When I was heading home from my Japanese class, I was waiting to board the train next to a couple of sumo wrestlers.

Seeing sumo wrestlers out and about in Tokyo NEVER fails to make me smile. NEVER. I remember when I was in Kyushu last year for a wedding - I was about to board a plane at Fukuoka airport and a whole load of sumo wrestlers were getting off. They look absolutely fantastic (when they're dressed!!) and I just think they look adorable!! Especially in Tokyo where the view is nearly always suits and miserable faces. Their presence just feels positive to me and I just love watching them. (^_^)

Funny how every time I see them, they're always eating! HAHA!

Totally made my day, they did! (*^_^*) One day I'll be brave enough to ask for a picture!

Today has been all about studying. I hit the gym this morning - the pool felt fantastic in this boiling weather and it was fun doing aqua to some soul tunes. After some food shopping, I studied at home and then went to Meguro for my Japanese class. Tough going but I got through it! I wanted to study in Starbucks but it was only after I ordered my Chai Tea Latte that I realised I had forgotten my wallet! DOH! And then when I went to head back home, I realised that I didn't have enough money on my Pasmo, so I had to take a long way home that was covered by my commuter's pass. LONG!!

Back home I got straight back into the studying and now my head is nihongoed out. Really chuffed with my progress today though - just trying to review what I missed when I went home and didn't study or review for like 6 weeks. I totally feel like I'm back up to speed and ready to tackle the N2 grammar. It's not actually that hard...well, the input part isn't anyway! I had a go at a couple of reading exercises and did them with no problems. If I can get this grammar down then I actually think I have a good chance of getting a decent score. Problem is, I don't think I have enough time to learn all the new grammar and review all the N3 stuff too so I won't get my hopes up too high!

Now it's time to kick back and relax!


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