“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 23 December 2012

New Zealand!!!

So I've landed safe and sound in New Zealand!

First stop - Christchurch!

My old flatmate from Japan came to meet me at the airport - it's been about a year and a half since he moved him and he hasn't changed a bit lol!

After a gorgeous drive in the mountains, we headed to his local where I was surrounded by a whole group of crude Kiwis, a Scot and an Irish guy. What a laugh!! It felt so weird hearing that kind of banter after such a long time! Christchurch actually reminds me of the UK a lot, except with wider roads!

Surprising thing number 1 - the damage from the earthquake here last year is still all too apparent. The CBD is practically shut down and there is still so much debris EVERYWHERE. I was talking to a guy in the pub last night and he's a catastrophe surveyor. He said that he was just AMAZED at who quickly Japan got into their clean up operation - I'm sure many people in Tohoku would disagree but from what he was saying, Japan have done alright!

Today I'm in Kaikoura, which is a couple of hours north of Christchurch. I got the bus at some ungodly hour this morning and I was a bit worried coz it was cold and looked like it was going to rain. It's 3.20pm now, the sun is blazing and the timing couldn't have been more perfect! I'm taking some time out after having finished a 3 hour walk.

This place is STUNNING. It's ridiculous! The mountains are so close to the sea - although it's a little bit cloudy so you can't see the peaks, but the water is gorgeously blue and the views from the clifftops were insanely pretty! I just loved every minute of walking along the peninsular and was just snapping away like a mad woman!

Surprising thing number 2 - on my hike I think about 15 people smiled and said hello to me as I walked past them. That always throws me because it doesn't happen in Japan OR the UK! But it's really lovely - the people hear just love to chat! Sometimes a little too much.....

I'll keep ya updated but I gotta go and catch my bus back to Christchurch!


Sunday 16 December 2012

And He's Back....

Today was election day in Japan and, as predicted, the LDP have a landslide victory.

I'm not that into Japanese politics, but what has interested me most about this election from the people that I have spoken to, is that no one seems to have a clue who to vote for.

The LDP have won, but I feel that this is more of a rebellion against the DPJ more than anything else. Japanese people have told me that Abe-san is too right-wing and too old fashioned. The older generations, which make up such a large percentage of the population here, have such a strong voice and the government protect them so that they can rely on their support. I was watching the news and I couldn't understand where these stats came from, but they were saying the people over the age of 60 control 90% of Japan's wealth. 


I'm kinda hoping I might have misunderstood that.

What an imbalance!!! And given that the population is ageing and the birth rate is declining, this is only going to get worse. It puts such an insane pressure on the younger generations as we work to pay for old people to receive handsome pension packages. They must be collecting way more than they originally paid in!!! It just seems so unfair.

The fact that people don't see another option other than the LDP, well, it's a disaster waiting to happen! Abe-san only made it a year the last time that he was PM - how long is he going to remain in power this time? His policies include increasing public spending (his downfall in the past) and the controversial one of allowing nuclear energy to remain part of Japan's future. 

Admittedly, Japan doesn't have a lot of resources but given the Fukushima disaster last year, this is going to be a tough one to move forward with.

I'm not sure if I understood 100% correctly, but the news was saying that something like only 40% (or somewhere between 40-45%) of the population voted. Ufffff.....

That's a pretty poor turn out. Even if people are undecided about the 2 main parties, they could make their vote count elsewhere. I know a couple of people who voted for Your Party while others said that it would have been a wasted vote to vote for one of the smaller parties. But surely not voting at all is more of a waste? No?

I was thinking back to the last general election in the UK. In the past I had always voted Labour, but in the last election, I honestly thought that Lib Dem had a real chance of winning. If everyone who had wanted to vote for Lib Dem actually voted for them, they may have made it. But it's the same thing - some people may have been  feeling like it was a wasted vote and would rather vote for the Tories just so that Labour wouldn't stay in power. Saying that, we have this coalition government where the Lib Dem have done a 180 on their original policies anyway! So back to Labour next time for me!

I'm also a little scared at how many seats the right-winged Restoration Party managed to win...and that Shintaro Ishihara has landed a seat....is everyone trying to start a war with China?!

As Japan moves towards the far-right, I'm not sure that they will have anyone to blame but themselves to be honest! 



Saturday 15 December 2012

Guns Don't Kill People?

I am so overwhelmed with sadness at what happened in Connecticut yesterday (today in Japan).

I woke up this morning, was on the train reading the BBC News and I could feel my eyes well up a little.

A shooting at a PRIMARY school?!

A PRIMARY school?! Are you serious?! I can't get my head around it.

Of course a mass shooting is awful wherever it happens, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who choked up reading this news. These are such young children. 5 to 10 years old. It is so incredibly sad and heartbreaking to think that these parents in this apparently wealthy neighbourhood took their kids to school and then they were senselessly murdered.

It's just horrifying. 

What also disturbs me is that the gunmen that seem to carry out these mass shootings are so young themselves. It's just such a waste of young lives. But never more so than today.

Why does the US keep letting this happen?!

I know the dispute over gun control has been going on for years. A pro-gun country, it's alarming how easy it is to get hold of firearms. Just nip down Wal-mart and buy one. This is the problem. THIS is why these mass shootings keep happening. Make it more difficult ot get hold of weapons and you're guaranteed to see a drop in the number of shootings. At least, I think so.

Pro-gun supporters always say that it's not guns that kill people, but people who kill people. And to an extent, of course this is true. But allowing anyone, including mentally sick and twisted individuals, such easy access to weapons, well, how can people not realise that this is the problem? People do kill people, but it would be a hell of a lot harder for them if firearms were banned.

Not every gun owner has the intention to use it for malicious intent, but why can't they "protect themselves" like the rest of us - with a baseball bat or a knife?!

I'm wondering if it's just a matter of people adamant to exercise their "rights" to own a gun if they want to. But these kind of shootings - I mean, this is the 3rd one this year alone! What is it going to take for these people to realise that firearms are evil? I'm sure they'd change their tune if this awful tragedy happened to them. Not that I would wish something like this on anyone, but if it was to happen to them, then they would be mad that there wasn't a tighter regulation regarding gun control. 

If ever there was a time for these regulations to be introduced, it's now. 

There was an interesting picture floating around Facebook with some interesting stats. It must have been pretty old because one of the countries was "West Germany" and I can't remember all the stats, but it said that in that year, there were 8 handgun shootings in the UK and then in the USA that number was over 10,000!!! I know it must have been old, but the fact of the matter is that NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!!!! 

I fail to believe that gun owners who are parents wouldn't support the ban in light of what happened today. What if someone broke into their house, took their gun and killed their kid?! It just goes to show that anything could happen anywhere. 

Come on America!!!!! Follow Europe's example and BAN THOSE GUNS!!!!!! This should not allowed to happen again - these are CHILDREN FFS!!!

My heart aches for those poor parents and families of those killed. 

May they all rest in peace.



Wednesday 12 December 2012

Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!

As the year is drawing to a close, it's that time again to be thinking about resolutions.


Once again I've failed miserably, but I have done better at a couple of them.

I've had the same resolutions for about 10 years - for next year, I will be making some but I think I'm going to keep them to myself. And start from February 1st.

You know what they say, if you start on January 1st, most people will fail within the first 21 days. I'd rather not be a part of that statistic, thank you very much!

Anyone, one thing I am aiming to do better next year, is make sure that I spend more time with friends. Not that I haven't this year, but I am pretty bad at replying to messages to people who aren;t immediately around me every day!!! It's really bad because there are people I still haven't gotten around to seeing and it's a shame really.

But I promise to do better next year! HAHA!



Tuesday 11 December 2012

One More Week!!!

This time in exactly one week, I'm going to be packing, packing, packing!!!!


I seriously cannot wait to get back into the sun and chill out. The magnitude of my trip has suddenly hit me as I've realised how mad I am to try and navigate the whole country by bus.

Madness, but it's totally exciting!!! 

A spot of sightseeing, a spot of hiking, a spot of jetboating, a spot of shopping, a spot of hobbit chasing, crap loads of eating, gallons of wine, as much sun as my skin can take, maybe a skydive and now I'm considering treating myself to a helicopter ride to get over and see the areas that I don't have time to bus to.

Why the hell not, eh? 

If ever there was a country seriously worthy of splashing out for an aerial view of, it's New Zealand. And since I don't have time to go to the glaciers, at least if I do this, then I'll get to see them. I checked online and then price is only a bit more than what I'm spending at my most expensive hotel for one night. 

If I do that, though, the skydive is definitely out. There's no way I can do both...well, actually I could, but I just feel that that's obnoxiously splashing out. Especially when I consider how much I've already spent on hotels. Got stung again today when one of the hostels I'd booked at called to tell me that the website had made a mistake and one night I was due to stay there is actually fully booked.


I've managed to find another hostel but since it's only available on that one night, right before NYE, the prices have skyrocketed and it's a complete rip off for a hostel. But nothing I can do now since there isn't anything else under a 5* hotel available for that day. And I'm already staying in that 5* place the following night!!!

It was funny because I was telling someone at work today about my hiking plans. Is it so strange for me to be hiking?!?!?!?! Admittedly I will be doing it with a full face of make up but still! LOL!!!

Super pumped. It's going to be EPIC.



It's Back!!!!


My voice is kind of back!!!

Still a bit husky but it's there!! At least I can vaguely communicate again!!

That was so weird!!! It's not the first time I've lost my voice but normally when it happens is because I have a cold or laryngitis or something. This time, I was feeling perfectly fine, it's really bizarre.

Anyway who cares!

Sorry folks - my reign of silence is over!!!!


Monday 10 December 2012

Where Did It Go?!

I told you that after my night out on Saturday, I woke up to find that I had lost my voice.

Well, when I woke up this morning, I was pretty disturbed when I realised that it still hadn't come back!!!!!

I cancelled my Japanese class and spent all morning keeping schtum and knocking back spoonfuls of honey. It was getting closer and closer to my shift at work and I emailed in to shift things about to try and teach as little as possible.

Why one of my managers called me after I told him I'd lost my voice, I'll never know. I didn't pick up and mailed him instead, only to find out that he was refusing to help with a tiny favour I had asked him.

Oooooohhhhh...wrong day to piss me off mate.

I'll remember that next time I'm asked a favour.


Anyway I struggled through 3 lessons. I could see the strain in my client's face as they struggled to understand this tiny croak that was coming outta my mouth. I don't have a cold, it's not even painful....it's just not there!

Excellent news for many, I'm sure!!!!!

Hope it comes back tomorrow! I feel like a ******!!!!!!!!




I'm sure it wasn't surprising to hear that James Arthur is the winner of the X Factor 2012.

I would have been just as happy if Jahmene had one - they both are so effing talented, amazing and deserve it.

I've loved Jahmene since his first audition but I only really got James from about week 3 and even from then, I haven't loved every performance. Saying that though, over the last 3-4 weeks, he has KILLED everything that he has done. And his performance of Feeling Good on Saturday was the best performance of his yet.....MARGINALLY better than his rendition of Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On. And you KNOW how much I loved that one!!!

So happy for him. Although in a way, it's the runners up who always seem to do better. There's no doubt that he's going to be a global phenomenon, but it may have been better for him to have come second and get more of a freer reign for him to do things the way he wants to. Jahmene seems like he'd be much easier to mould.

Anyway, it's all good and fabulous. I've thoroughly enjoyed the season this year. With a couple of exceptions, it has certainly been the most talented year ever.

And now you can breathe a sigh of relief - you have a year without any X Factor updates from me! HAHAHAHA!


Sunday 9 December 2012


Well, that wasn't the night that I was expecting to have!

I was out last night to celebrate my dear friend's birthday. A few days ago, I decided to cancel my Sunday shift at work - it wasn't anything to do with the party - I just thought it would be nice to chill out and rest and finally get onto to working out all this stuff for NZ. More than anything, I just wanted to have a mammoth lie in!!

So I told my friend (and myself) that I would go to the party and then catch the last train home. 

Yeahhhhhhh.......didn't quite work out like that.

I came stumbling through the door at 6am. With a considerably lighter wallet. >_<


The hangover isn't too bad, but I've been struck down by acute laziness, so there goes my super productive day! Oh and I've somehow managed to lose my voice - how the hell did that happen?!

Blinding night though - I love nothing more than watching my friend get down on the dancefloor!! It was great to see him having such a good time!!

And now it's time for The X-Factor final!



Friday 7 December 2012

An Emotional Evening

And to think that my day started off so well.....

Over the last few weeks, I've felt more earthquakes than I have in a long time. Most of them have been almpost unnoticeable, but then there was a large one in Chiba on the Thanksgiving weekend. That jolt shocked me and my ladies as we were preparing dinner and I wondered if it was a sign of things to come.

Then late this afternoon while I was teaching, a 7.3 quake hit the Tohoku region again, shaking Tokyo pretty violently. It wasn't the strength of the quake which sent alarm bells ringing in my head. It was the duration. When a quake doesn't stop after like 10 seconds, I start to get REALLY nervous and as it got stronger me and client stating packing up our stuff and reaching for our coats in case we needed to evacuate. 

As the shaking continued, my heart leapt into my throat and I got sudden flashbacks, one after the other, of the devastating pictures of the destruction of the March 11 quake. All I could think was that this couldn't be happening again. The next thought was at least I was in Shinjuku and closer to my home than last time!

As the shaking subsided, there were sighs of relief all around my the office and my client removed her nails from my arm. LOL! Even if the lesson hadn't of been nearly over, neither of us were in the right mindframe to continue. I was able to put those feelings aside for the remainder of my shift, but on my journey home, I was plagued by the awful memories of last year and I had to bite my lip as I thought about my dear friends who were swept away by the March 11 tsunami and all the panic and uncertainty and aftershocks that followed that horrible day - the scariest of my life.

Everyone was saying that another big earthquake was going to hit - I'm just hoping it was that one. I have a friend in Aomori who I haven't managed to contact yet, but the news has said there hasn't been any major damage or reported fatalities so I have to trust that he is OK. I'm not sure I'd be able to go through all of that drama again. 

So if THAT wasn't bad enough, I called home to tell my mum that I was safe and to get an update on my grandad. I don't wanna go into details but it's not good news and I'm embarrassed to say that I am related to some of the greediest, devious, heartless ******* in the world and what they are doing is shameful, disrespectful and just selfish. My heart goes out to my grandad, but even more to my parents who are breaking their backs to do everything that they can to take care of him. My uncle, my cousins - they don't give a **** and then they think they can just take, take, take. It's so sad to see my family get torn apart because all these damn people care about is money and all my parents are trying to do is make sure that my Grandad is well looked after. It's being taken to court. It's disgusting. 

I feel guilty about taking a trip to NZ, but my mum has assured me that it's OK and there's nothing I can do. I'm sending letters and photos and getting updates every week which my parents tell me are cheering him up. I'm so mad at my uncle that I'm not sure if I'd be able to control my temper even if I was there. He's NOTHING like my dad, it's unbelievable. 

Horrible, horrible man.

Emotions running high this even - memories and worry.




Wednesday 5 December 2012


Normally on a Wednesday morning I go to the gym.

But when my alarm went off this morning, I just couldn't get up. And since I'm working 7 days a week until I go on holiday, I just simply rolled over and went back to sleep.

I woke up at 11.30!!!!!

Guess that goes to show I made the right call there!!!

Today was another one of those days where I've spent like an hour making lunch. It's still not eready yet and I'm absolutely starving! On the menu today is pumpkin soup and then a stuffed chicken breast. I wanted to make a potato fondant, but then I realised that I don't have any potatoes!


Looks like it's just gonna be served with a side of spinach instead!!!

Excited - the smells filling my kitchen are amazing!!


Sunday 2 December 2012


I am seriously all over Rihanna's new album.

It's funny because I have loved every single one of her albums. Of course, I like some more than others but I've liked all of them. That's rare - when an artist has been around as long as she has, normally I would have lost interest but I'm loving her more than ever.


LOVE it.

It's been a pretty chilled out weekend. I went out last night for a gorgeous French dinner. My friend spoiled me rotten with champagne and she picked up the huge bill at the end of the night.


And as usual I went to work today and rushed back for my weekly X-Factor fix.

I won't talk too much about it - you all know that I'm rooting for James Arthur to win. And to be honest, looking at the acts left, it should be a walk in the park for him. 


I'm still trying to decide what to do about that guy I went on a date with a couple of days ago. He mails me way more than I ever reply and to be honest, he's crossing the line with the direction of his conversation....having said that, I bet if I thought he was smoking hot, then I wouldn't mind! Double standards, I know, but whatever.

We all have them.


If you didn't know, that's the name of the new album (and my mood right now). Check it out when you have time, ne.
