“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 15 July 2013


Look up.

Would you just look at that sunset!!

That was on the first night I got to Zamami Island in the Keramas, Okinawa.


Japan is so much more than huge cities, bright lights and shrines.

To the south is just a whole load of untouched beauty.

Stunningly clear sea, sandy white beaches and just beautiful sunsets.

You know I love the beach. I have been to so many beautiful beaches in so many different countries. 

And still, Japan, well, Okinawa, remains one of my favourites for sunsets. And just for beauty in general. 

The beaches on the smaller islands are NEVER crowded,,,not just because these islands aren't as popular as the main island, Ishigaki or Miyako, but because Japanese people don't really sunbathe, so if you go out during the day, you're pretty much guaranteed to have the beach to yourself. It's just fantastic. And gorgeous.

And I'd love to be back there right now!

I was planning to hit up Greece in September, but my girl is moving to Africa, so that's been postponed.

I couldn't admire her more - she's going to live in Sudan for 2 years. I seriously have to take my hat off to her because I could never do that. Good on you, girl!

YAY to the summer!


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