“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Turning Up The Heat

Phhheeewwwwwww....that is HOT today!!!

Back in JHS with no airconditioning and a whopping 35 degrees outside. Running around on stage, getting these girls acting....it's hot work!

I refuse to complain. It's sticky, it's a little uncomfortable, but it's a MILLION times more manageable than winter. Plus, look on the bright side - sweating is healthy!!

I finished work at 1pm and have been running around at home doing loadsa stuff that I've been putting off for ages.

Unfortunately, I've been distracted by TV as usual.....I was just flipping through shows and realised that the new season of BINTM has started!


I know, I know...trash TV. But it's easy to watch and requires the smallest amount of attention, which means I can do a whole load of other stuff at the same time. 

And I have to say that Elle Macpherson is still absolutely, sensationally, STUNNING!! She must be getting somewhere close to 50 by now, right? She just looks absolutely amazing! And no one says no to a bit of Tyson Beckford do they? HAHAHAHA!

On a completely different note, you remember I told you about that person who just walked into my life and blew me away? Yeh, well, when someone feels the need to tell you that they're not avoiding you even though you never said anything in the first place....in my eyes (and experience) they generally are. So I'm thinking now, maybe it's best to let this one go. As hard as it is, you know what they say....

....don't waste your energy wanting someone who doesn't want you.

Taken on board.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your first essay in series appeared in the latest Asahi Weekly.
Your article about Karatsu City to which I have been twice is interesting.
I am happy to find your blog by net searching and to read your previous comment about Karatsu.
I am looking forward to seeing your next essay in the paper.
Thank you.
From Tekuteku, a English learner and a subscriber of Asahi Weekly, Hiroshima.