“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 10 August 2013

What a Scorcher!

It was a whopping 38 degrees in Nerima today.

I listened to people complaining left, right and centre. But even as I sat on the train with my shirt practically sticking to me, I refused to let myself get irritated by the heat.

You know I hate winter. I know I'm a nightmare in winter. I can't complain.

It's better to go home and sit around in your underwear than go home and spend the whole evening with multiple layers on and a scarf and hat shivering.

I did feel glad that I didn't go to the Summer Sonic festival this year though. What a sweaty mess that would be in this temperature! It's definitely hotter than last year, but I can deal with it.

I was just looking at my friend's pictures of the Tokyo Bay fireworks this evening. Part of me is wishing that I'd made more of an effort to go and see them - I haven't been to a summer fireworks display for a few years. The reason is always the same - I hate the crowds! It's not the same as in Kyushu - even though there were hundreds of people everywhere, it never felt as claustrophobic and uncomfortable like the city ones do. And again, I don't really fancy being squashed in among huge swety crowds either.

Maybe next year, LOL!

I went to a beer garden yesterday with my girl. I'm glad it was last night because there was a bit of wind and it was great to hang out with some new people. 

On a completely different note, how much are we loving the co-ed ANTM?! Don and Marvin are my favourites by a mile - I think the boys could actually take the whole thing! 

Project Runway has also started up again, which I am just loving! And if that wasn't enough, guess what's back on tomorrow......


I cannot WAIT!!!!


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