“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 30 August 2013

Devilishly Evil

Just before I moan about this devilishly fattening muffin which I can't stop eating, I need to tell you about yesterday.

I told you I was having a great day.

It got even better when I received....


I haven't received flowers for a reason other than my birthday or as a leaving gift in years! So you can imagine the size of my smile when I got presented with a bunch last night.


Knackered again today, but it was worth it. Don't you love that feeling you get when you see someone that you've missed for a long time? It's so awesome. 

Anyway, onto this damn muffin.

I didn't have time for breakfast this morning, so by the time it got to 11.30, I was starving. I came to Starbucks for 2 reasons - it's close and I can't be arsed to go outside and because of the free wifi. 

Every week I order the blueberry and cream cheese muffin along with my sandwich. Every single time I shovel it down and end up feeling sick. Today is no different. Even the sight of the wrapper looking at me right now is making me wanna chunder. I just don't understand why I never learn my lesson and stop ordering the stupid thing. It's like, the first couple of bites are amazing and the. It just becomes way too sweet.

And now I'm uncomfortably full and am gonna struggle through my afternoon. Again.

When will I learn, eh?

A least I have something fabulous to look forward to at the end of the shift!


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