“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 22 November 2010

What A Weekend

I really had a great time this weekend in Seoul.

Catching up with a good friend, SHOPPING, clubbing, getting blind drunk, hardcore belly laughs - it was awesome.

Seoul is a really beautiful city. A night the lights are just stunning. So many colours and just seriously pretty - in that respect it definitely has the edge over Tokyo.

While I was there, it was seriously reminiscent of when I first came to Japan. The lack of English there hits you pretty much right away and I was back to relying on gesture communication and broken words. How HARD is Korean to pronounce?! When I was walking around by myself, even saying "excuse me" to ask someone for directions went misunderstood. I just got blank stares back - it's crazy!

I hit the shops hard. Not clothes, not bags, not shoes....but....SKINCARE PRODUCTS!!! I am now in possession of so many high brand anti ageing creams and am soooo chuffed at how cheap they were. I loaded up on lotions, potions and make up in duty free - although I am NEVER gonna get it in LOTTE and pick it up at the airport EVER AGAIN. It was just long queues and chaos and at that stupid time in the morning that I was in the airport, that was the last thing I needed.

Back to the grind tomorrow.



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