“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 19 December 2010


I'm the worst packer ever!

I put one thing in my suitcase and then do ANYTHING else!!

I'm not one of these people that can pack everything the night before because I get paranoid that I've forgotten something. I don't need to leave my place until 12 tomorrow so I just wanna do everything in the morning.

I really have a ridiculous amount of clothes. It's so hard to choose what to take! I spoke to a couple of my friends in Oz a couple of hours ago - it's only been hitting a measly 25 degrees over there and there has been a bit of rain. I guess I shouldn't complain - it's better than the weather in Japan and at least Aussie sun is seriously strong so I should still tan very nicely!!

I'm just not really in holiday mode yet! I'm really excited to see one of my girls - we just had the WILDEST uni days causing havoc - it'll be so nice to have a catch up over a bottle or two of champagne!! =)


Saturday 18 December 2010

Ruddy Northerners!

You know, I'm always getting cussed out for making fun out of Northerners.

I don't HATE them!! It's just some of the accents drive me insane because I just can't understand them!

And that lack of understanding shone today when I called up Lloyds online banking customer service to set up a payment. They had this thing where if you want to make a payment online, they want to confirm the recipient by phone. Since I live abroad, I didn't wanna have to deal with this because of the time difference and what not. Until now, i had just been carrying out the transactions over the phone.

So I called them up to see if they could set the payment up for me so that I would be able to just make the online payments with no grief in the future. The customer service that I got was from God knows where up North and I could hardly understand anything he was saying! When he tried to confirm my details, he got all the numbers wrong and I was like OMG I have a serious dumbarse on the phone and then the cheeky git got ratty with me when I asked him to repeat what he was saying.

Not my fault you have an uffed up accent love!!!!

I wish I'd been able to understand his name - I totally would have complained! I'm there telling people everyday that they need to use polite English when on the phone, but that incident today just reminded me of how we really aren't that polite!!! Especially not in customer service.

What a prick.


Sunday 12 December 2010

GET IN!!!!

I just watched the X Factor final.

Even though I've actually warmed to her over the last few weeks (when she's actually singing not "rapping"), I am so chuffed that Cher got knocked out last night!! It would have been an absolute travesty if Matt didn't make it through.

I was actually a little disappointed with the duet performances. They seemed way shorter than usual and there wasn't so much singing together as there has been in the past. One Direction's duet with Robbie was actually the most entertaining one to be honest.

But man, last night was all about Christina Aguilera's performance. She absolutely KILLED it. I remember I say her at Wembley back in 2004 and she still NEVER fails to deliver. What a voice!!


Friday 10 December 2010

Feeling Good

I was coming up with a million different reasons not to go to the gym.

The fact that it is absolutely FREEZING outside nearly stopped me. But I forced my arse out the house and I'm so glad I did, for 2 reasons.

1 - I feel effing great now!!!

2 - I got on the scales and all these weeks of laziness have caused me to pile on more kilos than I thought ever possible in such a short space of time.

I'm off to Oz in less than 2 weeks! I can't be hitting up the beach with muffin tops and spare tyres.

Talk about the kick up the arse I needed to stop eating so much junk food! No more MacDonalds for the rest of year!!

(I reckon that'll last a week tops! :P)


Will I Or Won't I?!

When something is RIGHT THERE....it's in your grasp....

What do you do?

Taking it has the mammoth possibility of resulting in a load of grief and drama. Neither of which I want or need. The thing is, it's just a POSSIBILITY. The worst thing that could happen. If you look at it from the other way, taking it could result in awesomeness and satisfaction and a secret to be taken to the grave.

Not taking it could result in months of kicking yourself for not taking the chance when it was RIGHT THERE. It could lead to those endless "What if...?" questions - and you all know I don't have the patience for those. But more than anything, not taking it would just lead to unbearable frustration.

I know I'm being a tease by not revealing what's going on. But it looks terrible in writing and it's just not worth the judgement! LOL! HOWEVER, you all know that I'm a crappy liar, so if anyone was to guess correctly, I probably wouldn't be able to deny it. You know me! :D

Such a dilemma!


Wednesday 8 December 2010

A Well Deserved Rest

Man, I went to bed so late last night and had the best lie in today.

I didn't sleep all the way through, but by the time I finally got out of bed it was around 1pm.


I don't even remember the last time I did that. Means I missed out on my aqua aerobics session this morning but I haven't had a lazy day like this in ages. Just doing NOTHING. It's kinda tiring doing nothing though! Gonna have to have an early night tonight.

I can't believe how quickly time has crept up on me. In 2 weeks I will be in Australia. It's crazy! I feel so unprepared and not really in the right frame of mind to think about it to be honest. Obviously I'm looking forward to just relaxing in the sun and catching up with friends, but it still feels like it's a lifetime away.


Monday 6 December 2010

Come On Now

Man, I have some really stupid ideas sometimes.

I was actually considering doing something that crosses every boundary of moral behaviour.

Lucky for me that I came to my senses. Although I am highly ashamed that I was thinking about doing it in the first place.

Shame on me!


Sunday 5 December 2010


Today has been really weird.

I'm just not really feeling myself today. I can't pinpoint anything exactly, so I think I'm just gonna blame it on tiredness.

And maybe a couple of other things that I don't really wanna write about now.

It makes it so much harder to work when you're not yourself because you have to put all your energy into acting. It's not the kind of job where you can just go into work, put your head down and get on with your work quietly. On days like today, I wish it was.

On a more positive note, I spent last night putting my bed together. I don't have all the new sheets and everything on it yet but OMG it's so soft and comfortable....it's a miracle how I managed to have such a disastrous first sleep in it!!! I woke up every couple of hours - I think it was paranoia that I hadn't set an alarm for work.


Wednesday 1 December 2010

IKEA Japan

Man, Ikea over here needs to get its act together.

You can't buy anything online!!! I had to trek all the way to Chiba to buy a bed and then queue for ages to get it delivered. What a pain in the arse!

I haven't been to IKEA in years. I was very impressed at the restraint that I showed - getting what I needed from the bedroom department and all the sheets and duvets in the market hall and then heading STRAIGHT to the self serve furniture section and then straight to the till. I didn't allow my eyes to wander in any other direction, hence stopping me from buying a whole load of crap that I didn't need.

So excited about my new bed! It's bigger, softer and I can't wait for my first sleep in it after it gets delivered this weekend. That is after when I can be arsed to put the whole thing together - lol!

I had a nightmare train ride home. When I got to the station, I just jumped on the train without checking where it was going. I just assumed that I'd gotten on the Keiyo line and that ends in Tokyo. In fact, I'd jumped on the Musashino line, which splits into two. I was so knackered and started to doze on the train and it was only after 40 minutes that I realised that I hadn't reached Tokyo yet (it should've only been a 30 minute ride) and didn't recognize any of the stations. That's when I checked the map and realised that I had wasted all that time on a crowded, stinking train going to the arse end of nowhere! When I got off, I realised I was in Minami-Koshigaya in Saitama!!! WHY didn't I check that I was on the damn Keiyo line?!!? ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!

So yah, I just got home and I'm absolutely knackered now! And it's getting late so I really can't be arsed to do all of the cleaning that I promised myself I would be doing today.

Oh well!!


December December

This year has flown by.

I cannot BELIEVE it's December. When it gets to this point in the year, I always get really reflective and start promising myself that I'll do things different the next year. Of course, I never do. LOL!

In just 3 weeks I'm gonna be in OZ. That in itself makes me think about how quickly time has gone over the last few months. I remember talking to my friend and saying that it was only a couple of months to go - and now look! 3 weeks.

I have been waiting for this day off for AGES and I'm determined to make it a productive one...starting with the gym!
