“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 1 December 2010

IKEA Japan

Man, Ikea over here needs to get its act together.

You can't buy anything online!!! I had to trek all the way to Chiba to buy a bed and then queue for ages to get it delivered. What a pain in the arse!

I haven't been to IKEA in years. I was very impressed at the restraint that I showed - getting what I needed from the bedroom department and all the sheets and duvets in the market hall and then heading STRAIGHT to the self serve furniture section and then straight to the till. I didn't allow my eyes to wander in any other direction, hence stopping me from buying a whole load of crap that I didn't need.

So excited about my new bed! It's bigger, softer and I can't wait for my first sleep in it after it gets delivered this weekend. That is after when I can be arsed to put the whole thing together - lol!

I had a nightmare train ride home. When I got to the station, I just jumped on the train without checking where it was going. I just assumed that I'd gotten on the Keiyo line and that ends in Tokyo. In fact, I'd jumped on the Musashino line, which splits into two. I was so knackered and started to doze on the train and it was only after 40 minutes that I realised that I hadn't reached Tokyo yet (it should've only been a 30 minute ride) and didn't recognize any of the stations. That's when I checked the map and realised that I had wasted all that time on a crowded, stinking train going to the arse end of nowhere! When I got off, I realised I was in Minami-Koshigaya in Saitama!!! WHY didn't I check that I was on the damn Keiyo line?!!? ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!

So yah, I just got home and I'm absolutely knackered now! And it's getting late so I really can't be arsed to do all of the cleaning that I promised myself I would be doing today.

Oh well!!


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