“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 15 August 2011

Getting Back....

....into the swing of it!

2 days in a row I've made it to the gym and I'm feeling absolutely fantastic - even if I have an insane pot belly which has past the stage of being cute and is actually just fat.

It wobbles.

So gross.

That shit's gotta go....and it's gotta go by exercise alone because you all know that I have never been on a diet in my life!! Hell - I don't even believe in dieting just because I have absolutely no will power to give up any kind of cake or dessert.

I started this intensive ab work out programme this evening before I went to the gym. It's only 10 minutes but that was enough to leave me aching. Then it was straight up and out for a 20 minute power walk to the gym, a 40 minutes step class and then a nice stroll back home.

I even managed to do my Japanese homework for once!!! Feeling very productive and proud. =)

Now I just need to make sure I keep it up. Although to be honest, looking in the mirror and that rounded pregnant looking belly is all the motivation I need! Disgusting.

I kinda wanna blame the weight gain on this new pill that I've switched to. It is a really common side effect, but it's kinda hard to tell after taking it for just one month. I'm gonna give it another month or two and then see if I'm still gaining weight. If I am, then I'm coming straight off this one and back onto my old one!!! High risk of DVT or not!!!!


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