“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 3 August 2011


I am totally saying that to myself! LOL!

I'm absolutely knackered after what turned out to be a really busy and productive day. I feel just as tired as I would have done if I had gone into work for the evening shift that I normally work on a Wednesday. I decided to start cutting back to save myself from hating on my clients too much (if that's possible).

So I was up at 8.30, walked to the gym and did a 30 minute aqua dance class. It felt amazing after 2 months away but I was really feeling it afterwards. After the gym, I went to the supermarket and did a mammoth food shop. I decided that I was going to try and cook both lunch and dinner as far as possible, not only to ensure I don't eat a load of crap, but to also save money. I was in the supermarket for way longer than I planned and stocked up on shit loadsa meat, fish and fresh fuit and veg. I managed to run up quite a bill but I decided that I have no choice but to pay the extortianate prices over here if I'm to maintain any kind of healthier eating lifestyle.

I was planning on walking back home, but I had so many bags and jumped on the train. When I got off at my station, it was absolutely tipping down and I got so soaked - I don't know why but whenever it's disgustingly hot and humid, this country never seems to turn on the air con, but when it's cooler and pouring (levaing me soaked and freezing), the air con always seems to be on full blast. I was absolutely freezing on the trains all day. I got home and just had enough time to put my shopping away and get changed before I had to head for my Japanese lesson.

Still pouring and still freezing my arse off on the train. I was wearing like canvas pumps and they were completely soaked right through, leaving puddles of water in my shoes. Lovely. I'm definitely gonna have to throw them away for sure.

After my class I had to head to Aoyama for my wax. I had some Russian girl who I had never seen before do it and I'm never gonna let her near me again! For some unknown reason, she took an HOUR to do it - an HOUR?!?!?!?! The longest it's ever taken has been like 40 minutes! Definitely inexperienced though because I haven't had a wax that hurt that much in absolutely years! On top of that, I got told that from October, the price is going up by like 1000yen! Ufffff....that is soooo expensive for a wax. I used to do it myself but it took me ages because it was always difficult to rip the wax off myself. It's made a nice change to just lie back and let someone else take care of it - but at a price of 6300yen?! Not so sure about that - I'll have to see if I can find somewhere cheaper...although I remember when I was researching salons before, most of the credible ones were at least 6700.

Then it was back to my place and time to make dinner. On the menu tonight was a squid, avocado and mushroom salad (marinaded in olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, parsely and salt and vinegar) with rice and edamame. It was rather nice if I do say so myself! I've just finished all the washing up, made and onigiri and fruit salad for lunch tomorrow and now I just feel so exhausted that I'm debating going to bed. I haven't even had a chance to do any tidying in my room today. =(

At least it was a productive day off. I'm still looking forward to having that day where I don't have to do anything. It's gonna be every other Sunday come October.


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