“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 17 August 2011

One Down!!

I just got back from completely my first run.

When I was younger, probably between the ages of 10 and 12, I used to be a cross country runner. Then from the age of 12 I switched to sprinting. By the time I was 14, I could run the 100m in 12.46 seconds. I firmly believe that if I had stuck with it, I would have turned pro and be competing in the Olympics. No joke - it would have happened!!!!

I honestly, truly believe that.

But no, I didn't train throughout a winter and my time slowed down and for some reason i just lost all motivation to continue. I wanted to hang out with my friends instead of spending all my free time training. Definitely one of the regrets that I have about my teenage years!!

So you know that I've been struggling to deal with this extra weight gain and you also know that I don't believe in diets. I decided that ab workouts and aerobics alone isn't gonna cut it, so I decided that I should start running. When I was in London, I bought an expensive pair of Nike running trainers so the guilt that I feel every time I look at them unworn is just as motivating as looking in the mirror.

So this morning, my day off, I got up and went for a run. I wanted to go before it got to hot and now I'm back, I have a horrible feeling that I'm gonna be feeling this tomorrow!!

How far did I run? This is the bit where I'm probably going to embarrass myself but hey, whatever!!! I haven't run anything further than the 400m sprint in about 14 years so give a girl a break!! HAHA!!

I made it 2 miles. The time? Errrmmmm....do I wanna admit this? Yeh OK...but don't laugh....

15 minutes!!!!

I have no idea just HOW bad that is compared to average or what everyone else does but I know it's slow!!! I KNOW!!!! But like I said, it's been more than a decade (GOD that makes me feel old) so you can't expect me to be running like Paula Radcliffe now!! HAHA!!

I don't care - I feel proud of me. I'm lazy as hell but I don't wanna look like those other women I see at the gym!! I don't want my body to turn into that so I'm gonna try and stick with it - not every day but I think I'll start with once or twice a week. I only went today as a substitue for not being able to make it to my aqua class. I have to go all the way to Toyocho to renew my driving license and attend some breaking the law seminar. A complete waste of time and money. But then I'm heading to IKEA to get some goodies for my house. Including a mammoth full length mirror!!


Off to the shower!!


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