“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 12 August 2011

Sticky Sticky

I'm not gonna sit here and complain about the heat.

I CAN'T complain about the heat...purely because I find winter way more unbearable. So even though it's sticky and uncomfortable, I'm not gonna complain.

But I AM gonna complain and people on the trains!!!!

Man, I seriously wish that the trains here had armrests like the London tube. It separates the seats making it harder for people to invade your personal speace. Something the Japanese love to do for some unknown reason.

I am getting sooooo irritated on trains recently. Having people sit so close to you that their arm is touching yours. It's so gross and seriously annoying!! And then the sleeve of their shirt keeps tickling my bare arm and my constant tutting and fidgeting is having little effect. It's starting to grind on me more and more and then heat is just making me even more irate.


I'm just like MMOOOVVVVVEEEEE!!!!

Had a nice early finish today - 4pm. I was at head office helping out with a marketing seminar. Good money and fun, easy work. I should definitely look into doing more stuff like that which actually shows off my skills and potential instead of wasting my time on people who don't deserve it.

There's a different dynamic at the office now as well which I'm not really feeling. I thought that after I took a break I would come back and feel excited to see my clients but I don't. Not all of them anyway. And the ones that I don't wanna see, I feel are more ungrateful than ever. Honestly, it's only their lack of gratitude which is leaving me so disgruntled. Everything else I can deal with.

Definitely trying to explore my options right now - and it turns out there may just be more than I thought. =)


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