“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 17 August 2011

A Long Arse Day

OMG today was soooo long!!!!

After my run this morning, I set out to Toyocho to renew my driving license. It was all going so swimmingly and I was sitting there after my eye test thinking to myself that I'll be getting out nice and early, nip to IKEA and then make it home late afternoon/early evening and do some studying.

Fat chance!!

The seminar that I had to attend for my mammoth crime of not renewing my driving license (It only expired last month and I was in England at the time) was a whopping 2 hours long!! And I had to wait 40 minutes for the stupid thing to start!! I couldn't believe it!!

It was such a waste of time. This guy gave us an envelope with some leaflets in it and he just read passages from each of them! And then we had to do this test to assess what kind of driver we are. I apparently suffer from road rage! LOL!! I was actually shocked I understood the questions!! I went into the whole thing thinking that I'd be able to switch off because my Japanese vocabulary isn't good enough, but I ended up actually listening because I realized half way through that I was actually understanding about 85% of what the guy was saying. More of a shock was that I could read 90% of the kanji in the test and could pretty accurately guess the meaning of the rest. So I guess some good came out of it!! HAHAHA!

I then met my roommate in Minami-Funabashi and we had a mammoth IKEA shop. A spree that ended up lasting 4 hours and resulted in considerably lighter wallets! We're getting all the big and heavy stuff delivered at the weekend. I'm so tired now - we didn't get back until after 10pm!! I'm looking forward to setting everything up though and putting up our new pictures and mirrors as well as clearing out the kitchen and putting away all our fabulous new stuff. =D YAY!

I just wish I had a day off where I don't actually need to do anything! I'm just like BAM BAM BAM all the time. My roommate told me she admired me because I'm not lazy and I'm always doing something. I on the other hand wish I had that day where I could just lounge around in bed all day and not have to be constantly looking at the clock.

NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I forgot to buy a clock!!!!! DOH!! They were really cheap as well! Oh well., looks like I'll have to look online or make a visit to LOFT. Argh - that was one fo the main things I wanted as well!!

Talk about productivity. The crap bit is I have a super long day at work tomorrow and a busy weekend. No rest for the wicked!


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