“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 8 August 2011

Goodbye Greys!

I finally got off my arse and made it to the hairdressers to cover my greys.

LOL - when I told my hairdresser that I wanted grey cover, he told me that I didn't have any grey hair.....but a whole load of white hair!!! CHARMING!!! At least he wasn't behaving like everyone else and pretending that he couldn't see anything!

So I'm back to dark brown. Everytime I colour my hair, it always fades in a few months because my hair can't hold the colour. That's what years of bleaching does to ya! It also means that until all the bleach grows out (only a few more inches to go), then my hair will never be one colour. I guess that's OK though - it makes it more interesting! It's good as well because I can see exactly how much my hair has grown - just over 3 inches in 7 months. That's not bad, right? Well, I thought it sounded pretty good anyway =)

I just feel like I have so much to do all the time. My driving license has expired and I really need to get on with trying to renew it because it's been more than enough now. I have a horrible feeling that I'm gonna get stung with some massive fine or something, but I do have the excuse that I wasn't sent a reminder card and I was out of the country when the card expired. Well, that's the route I'm gonna go down anyway.

I just never have the time to sit back and do NOTHING. I always have something that I need to be doing. I'm so close to having my room all sorted out - just a few more bits and pieces to do and then I need to deal with the JCom people who have refused to speak to my flatmate because the account is in my name. Ruddy Japanese bureaucracy - always makes this a billion times harder than they need to be.


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