“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 9 August 2011


I've spent all morning catching up with the footage of the London riots.

I'm shocked, disgusted, revolted and horrendously upset that this is happening. That road in Clapham where all that insane looting is going on? I used to live at the other end of that road. It's not only ghetto areas that are being targeted - as the looting and disruption in Ealing has also shown.

My friend lives in Croydon. She has a 4 year old daughter and lived above a florist. She told me that she watched from the other side of the road as 4 guys looted the florist and then set it on fire. A FUCKING FLORIST?!?!?!? Are you kidding me?!?!?! She watched on helplessly as the fire spread up to her flat and her life went up in smoke.

My heart broke for her. =(

Seriously - what are people supposed to do now?! I just can't comprehend why people would do this to their OWN communities. To the places that they ACTUALLY LIVE?!?!?! What do they think's gonna happen when everything calms down? There's gonna be no jobs, no stores, no amenities coz these dickheads smashed them all up and burnt them down!

The sickening part of watching the footage is listening to the youths plan what they're gonna loot and from what stores and then come out laughing and giggling, having the time of their lives. Some were stupid enough to even go in with their faces uncovered. You can kiss your freedom goodbye you idiots!

It's hard to believe that I was in London only a few weeks ago. To think that this is the next Olympic city - what kind of message is this sending to the world about Londoners?! Even through all of this knobhead Boris Johnson is still claiming that London is one of the world's safest cities. I'm sure tourists planning to come for the Olympics or on holiday may disagree. There's no knowing where the riots are gonna spread to next. The fact that they've spread to the North just goes to show that people are just doing this for the sake of. There's absolutely no reason for all of this to be going on anywhere outside of Tottenham. And even then, there's no excuse for what started as such a peacful protest turning so violent and ugly in the first place.

Thugs. You lot have a complete disregard for human life.

Absolutely disgusting.

Thank you to all my London peeps who have already mailed or messaged me to let me know that you are all OK. Since too many of you insist on living in those ghetto arse areas, it means a lot to know that you are all safe. Please stay that way.

Thinking about you all.


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