“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 17 April 2011

Counting Down!

My goodness me!! This time in 9 days I'm gonne be in Bali!!!

That has crept up so fast! No stressing this time though - coz I've been there before, it's just gonna be a matter of going there and then seeing what we all feel like doing. =) Can't wait to just kick back and read book after book, after book.

Everyone always thinks that I must be loaded because I work so much, btu the truth is I blow the whole lot on travelling - and why not? Everyone gets to that point where they just find themselves unable to do it anymore, so I wanna do as much as I can before I become one of those people.

Went for my second laser hair removal session today - I reckon it was just as uncomfortable as the first time but the stinging sensation afterwards is practially non-existent this time round. In fact, I feel like I haven't even had anything done. The procedure is so amazing - even after the first session you could see the difference. The skin is sooooo much smoother and incredibly soft. I just really can't wait until this time next year when it becomes something I never have to worry about again. =)

Yah, feeling good. I still feel like I have a lot on my plate and not enough free time but in 9 days that's all gonna change and it makes this crazy schedule that I have 100% worth it.


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