“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 3 April 2011

April Already?!

How time flies!!

Things have been so mad, crazy busy over the last week that I haven't had time to update you all with what's going on.

I took a road trip over to Hakone in the middle of the week. It was alll good until I got pulled over and clocked for speeding - literally 5 minutes before I was going to get off the motorway anyway.


The guy was such a knob as well - he made me sit in the back of a police car which reeked of stale smoke and farts, only to ask me a whoel load of completely non-relevant questions and attempt to give me a lecture about the following the rules of the road.

It was all so pathetic that I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing. Just a fine and a couple of points....but it was enough to make me slow down for the rest of the trip - much harder than it sounds!! Especially in the country, windy, mountain roads which would be so awesome for racing.

Hakone was gorgeous. Just so, so beautiful but it was absolutely DEAD!! The area has been affected by the rolling blackouts and it's had a mammoth effect on business down there. I mean, I'm n ot a big fan of huge crowds in places like that - it totally ruins the expereince - but there was like NO ONE around. A little bit freaky actually.

We also hit up the Gotemba outlets. Man, I was so disappointed!! I've been waiting to go there for so long and even though there were loads of awesome stores there, the stock they had was all out of season or just ghastly...not to mention that the only sizes of anything available seemed to be S or XS. How ridiculous! I still managed to drop a decent amount of money and took advantage of the fact I had a car to pick up some new luggage.

Went out on the town last night - I treated myself to a rare Sunday off - but it was absolutely DEAD!! We went for dinner in Roppongi Hills and because of the earthquake and the effects it's had on businesses, everything was 30% off!! 3 people, dinner and 3 rounds of drinks for under 6000yen. BARGAIN!!

I have NEVER seen Roppongi like that. Hardly anyone walking around and a load of empty bars. The most packed place we went - well, the crowd left much to be desired! LOL - definitely some characters in there.

I can't believe I'm going to Bali in like 3 weeks - so not prepared and I feel like i have so much other stuff to do as well.



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