“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 27 November 2013


So, I've just been catching up with the X Factor.

I loved Saturday's show. Luke Friend is really coming up from behind, Sam Bailey SMASHED it, but my fave performance of the night was Rough Copy's rendition of En Vogue's "Don't Let Go".

That is like, one of my favourite songs EVER and every time they perform, I find myself grinning from ear to ear. The groups always do so badly, but this one is so talented and I'm totally rooting for them to win.

And then I watched the results show and was MORTIFIED to see that Tamera - who completely, royally f***** up - managed to escape the bottom two, leaving Rough Copy facing Hannah in the sing off.

WHAT. THE. F***?!

How the hell did the British public come to that conclusion?! Tamera is the one that truly deserved to leave this week. 

The sing off was UN-BE-LIEVE-ABLE!! I loved Hannah's rendition of Etta James - she nailed it. And Rough Copy's flawless harmonies just make me melt. It wasn't a surprise that Hannah was voted off because she's been in the bottom 3 times, but she didn't deserve to go. Not in the slightest.

Oh well - at least we know Nicole won't be winning this year, considering Tamera is her only act left!

So shocked to see Rough Copy in the bottom two, but still want them to win. 


Monday 25 November 2013

Proud As Punch

Today, my German chocolate cake was put to the test.

And I couldn't be more thrilled with the feedback!

The first person to try it was the person that I originally made it for. He told me it was perfect and better than the one that he had bought from the shop before! The rest of the feedback has been pretty much along the same lines, and now my friend has confirmed that he wants me to make one for his birthday - and he'll pay me for it!

That was the other comment that I've been getting all day - I should sell them. Apparently this particular cake is practically non-existent or Tokyo and if you order it, then you're looking at a 3 week wait for a one-layer mediocre cake. That's what my friend said anyway. He offered me money for this one, but I was happy to do it as a favour, plus it was just a trial run to see how it tasted. I've got no problem making them for people to buy if I'm asked. It won't be cheap though - to get the ingredients for just ONE cake rings in at like 4,500yen and then add the time it takes to make the whole thing from start to finish....I've got a price, so if you're interested, mail me! LOL! I'm definitely open to making them to sell, so just let me know!

It's a great feeling when you've tried something for the first time and it's turned out to be a great success. I'm not a fan of chocolate cake myself, but I've thoroughly enjoyed other people appreciating it all day. Thank you all for your compliments! They are making me grin from ear to ear!


Sunday 24 November 2013

That Smell

I have literally spent the last 5 and a half hours in the kitchen baking.

I finally got around to making that German chocolate cake that I've been banging on about.

That is not an easy batter to master! But I was really pleased with the way the sponges have come out. 

Now I'm just waiting for the filling to cool and I should be finished! 

The filling is DIVINE. It's egg yolks, butter, sugar, evaporated milk, pecans and shredded coconut and it seriously tastes AMAZING!!! I'm started to understand why my friend raves about this cake - I'm kinda looking forward to trying it now, even though I don't really like chocolate cake.

One of my favourite things about baking is the wonderful smells that fill your kicthen. There is nothing quite like the smell of bread or cake baking in the oven.

And since I had some leftover egg whites, I went ahead and made a massive meringue. No idea what I'm going to do with it though! I thought about making a pavlova, but I just don't have any more ingredients left! I'll tell you what - a German chocolate cake is NOT cheap to make over here! Especially when you're spending 1000yen on a 200g bar of baking chocolate.


Looking forward to seeing the end results!


Wednesday 20 November 2013

Made In Chelsea

So when I realised that I was completely up to date with the ridiculous amount of TV shows that I'm watching, I started watching Made In Chelsea.

I have absolutely no idea why - it's not the most exciting viewing in the world.

But I've stuck with it because of where it's filmed...Chelsea!!!! And I keep getting totally nostalgic watching everyone hanging in some of my favourite spots in town, as well as getting googly eyed over the stunning views of London at night. The South Bank really is absolutely beautiful - especially at night.

I've just finished Season 2 and it was the Christmas episode. I've been left with the hugest grin on my face, as I realise that I'm finally going to be celebrating Christmas in London after 6 years of spending this time of year in the sun.

I'm just pumped to catch up with a lot of friends that I know are going to be back at the same time and I'm hoping to get away for new year with my travel bf. I never realise how much I miss everyone until I think about the prospect of seeing them again after such a long time.

And don't even get me started on the food. Me, my mum, my mum's kitchen and an effing OVEN!!!! When I was back at my parents' house last year, I cooked dinner every day and I'm sure this time is going to be no exception. I'm really, really excited!

 I've also been thinking a lot about goals and New Year's Resolutions. I can't remember if I told you at the beginning of this year that I've had pretty much the same resolutions for the past 10 years.

Well, if I haven't achieved them already, then I think it's time to accept that they are never going to happen! LOL! So I've already been thinking about more practical and realistic goals for the next year. It's going to be a huge year with a lot of change - I already know that - so my resolutions need to be able to work into all these anticipated changes.

I can tell you now that, that first and foremost is HEALTH.

Getting healthy and doing everything that I can to stay healthy. I'm not getting any younger after all!

And quite randomly, I think I want to try and stop drinking beer. It makes me fat and gives me horrid breath and a ghastly hangover. Wine hangovers are also pretty crappy....think I'll just try and stick to spirits and champagne! LOL! Maybe that's a Made In Chelsea influence, but it could be worth a shot. I am totally going to miss Corona though - those of you that know me well, know that that's my beer of choice.

Yah...feeling very reflective. And ready for change.


Tuesday 19 November 2013

Food Dreams

Recently, all my dreams have been about food. 

And other stuff, of course, but you don't need to hear about that! LOL!

A couple of weeks ago, I dreamt about scones. When I woke up, it was all I could think about and I just HAD to make some.

Last night dream was about chicken korma. I've actually managed to find a cute little store that sells Asian spices so that you can make all these amazing sauces from scratch and last month, I picked up a whole load of Indian spices from there. So this morning, before I go tot work, I'm gonna attempt to make a korma from scratch. I know I can nail a madras or a masala, but I've never tried a korma before. In hindsight, it should be easy considering it's much milder than the other two.

Other food I've been dreaming about?

Pao de quiejo. As soon as I can get hold of some tapioca or corn starch flour, that's defintiely going to be my next project!

Right now, I'm going to start my day with French toast and a cup of tea!


Monday 18 November 2013

Counting Down!

Honestly - this month is just disappearing from before my eyes!

I swear last time I looked at the calendar, it was only the 3rd November.

Where did the last fortnight go?!

In exactly one month, I'll be lounging on my mum's sofa with a cup of tea, crumpets, sausage rolls, Walker's crisps and a nice selection of fruit watching crap on TV.

Not even that, but it's neafrly Christmas! And then before you know it, it's going to be 2014!

I can barely get my head around the fact that exactly one week ago, I was on a plane to Okinawa.

Now THAT was an interesting trip. 

Firstly, I was pissed at the weather. My friend had told me that it had been gorgeous for the last couple of weeks, so there I was packing summer dresses and sandals. 

I got there and it was raining....and continued to rain for the duration of my time there. And then the say I left, it was sunny.


My friend is a military wife. And over the short time I was there, looking in from the outside and seeing the childish playground antics that go on, I'm so glad that I don't live that liftstyle. When I was listening to stuff, I was literally thinking, "What are you? 15?!?!" Pettiness.

I was also kind of sad to see my friend hate on Japan. She doesn't HATE hate it, but because of the little bubble that she's in, and the fact that she has a young baby which stops her from travelling, she hates it here. I'm really hoping that next year I'll get the chance to show her some more of the positive points of this beautiful country that has been so good to me over the years. I can't blame her completely though - I LOVE Okinawa, but there's no way I'd be able to actually LIVE there.

I dunno.

Anyway, the point is, I'm excited about going home. And going to Tesco. And baking in a proper oven. I hit up an international supermarket yesterday and blew an absolute fortune on overpriced basic ingredients to make a German Chocolate Cake. Two weeks ago, I'd never even heard of one, but I'm gonna have a bash at making it for a friend. If this trial one goes well and tastes good, then I'll make a couple more for him. Not eating it though - seriously not a fan of chocolate cake.

For some weird reason as well, I've suddenly got this urge to attempt Pao de Quejo. Definitely going to have to try and find a recipe for that online.

In the meantime, I'm gonna enjoy a cup of tea, white chocolate Tim Tams and some trashy TV!


Sunday 17 November 2013

Fooled Ya!!!!

K so on Monday last week, I posted a picture of me in my friend's place in Okinawa...

...with blonde hair.

Whilst many people were complimentary of the look, I did receive a lot of private messages telling me to go back to brunette.

Well, those people can rest easy because....

...that was only my friend's $1,000 wig!


Good isn't it?

I was at her place and just saw it lying on the side and naturally when you see a wig, you just HAVE to put it on. When she told me I needed something black, she lent me a hooded and voila!

I was actually blonde when I first came to Japan and it has taken me years to try and repair the damage that all that bleach has done to my hair. I'm not gonna lie, I loved being blonde, but I can assure you that that's not going to happen again any time soon!


Sunday 10 November 2013

Sucked In!!!

OK...where to start with this!!!

 So basically, I've kinda been dating an American and a Brit over the last few weeks.

Why does that sound so much worse than it really is?!

Nothing shady - just dinner, OK!

So, a lot of Japanese girls always ask me whether I prefer British or American men. In the past, I hate to say it, but it really hasn't been much of a contest - the Brits won every time.

Gentlemanly behaviour, understanding the second British language of sarcasm, being more mature.

But recently, I've noticed that I've been steering in the direction of American men more and more. And then when I was thinking about it, the last few guys I've been on dates with (in between the Asian ones) have all been American.

Now don't get it twisted - I know I was heartbroken, but that was like a month ago! LOL! And as I mentioned, it was an impossible situation, so there's no point in dwelling about it, right? Everyone told me that I should get right back out there, so I am!


It all sounds so bad, but it really isn't!!

So, back to these American men. I've worked out what it is that keeps pulling me back in.

It's something so damn small that people are gonna be like WTF, but...

I absolutely, insanely ADORE...

...being called....


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I wish that I could say I was joking, but I'm not!! It drives me crazy!! Even more so when it's in a southern drawl....which used to be an accent I absolutely couldn't stand, but for some reason, that word and that accent.....especially when it's coming out of an incredibly hot mouth.....

Complete sucker!!!

Don't judge!!!


Wednesday 6 November 2013


I'm not joking.....my taste buds have been seriously offended!!!

Months ago when my friend was visiting, we went shopping and he bought sea salt chocolate.

The idea alone was enough to make me turn my nose up at it and refuse to try it. That, and it was dark chocolate - and I can't stand the stuff.

Anyway, when he left, he forgot to take it with him and it has been sitting in my fridge ever since.

I decided to make scones and as I was putting my dough in the fridge to rest, I looked at the offensive chocolate and curiosity got the better of me.

I took it out, unwrapped it and broke off the tiniest piece.

Put it in my mouth...chewed....

...and then spat it right back out!


It was like eating salt with the offensive bitterness of dark chocolate mixed in!!!!


Whose effing idea was that?!

The ONLY time chocolate and salt should ever be mixed together is when making a chocolate souffle. And it should be the absolutely TINIEST pinch of salt...just to lift that chocolate flavour.

The ONLY time!

What an absolutely ghastly taste! The rest of that is going in the bin!



Bring on 2014!

The last 3 months have literally just disappeared before my eyes.

And now, after a horrible month, I'm ready for the New Year!

Bring it on!

It's funny how up and down a year can be. My year started off so boring - I came back from New Zealand and then just worked. And then since turning 30....I dunno - so much stuff has happened and sometimes it's kinda hard to get my head around it all!

But I have decided to keep on looking forward and I feel ready to start working on the next step. Which is this DELTA application which I had actually planned to submit last month. 

It's full of really annoying questions which are just time consuming and recently, not only haven't I had the time to work on it, but I just hate those kind of questions and haven't wanted to answer them - lol! But I've realised that doing my DELTA is a massive part of next year and I need to know whether it's actually going to happen or not. 

My friend has already applied, had the interview and been accepted. But his application looks exceptional next to what mine will look like. I've already been told that I'm applying for it much earlier that other people who have already completed a CELTA. Apparently, most people wait like 4/5 years - but I'm applying just after 2. I've realised that there is a good chance I won't be accepted onto the course at this stage...but I have a plan B, which I can't tell you about right now....but it's SUPER exciting. 

So it's a win-win situation really. Of course, I'll be disappointed if I don't get onto the course, but at the same time, I'll have other exciting things to work on, so it won't be the end of the world.

In the meantime, I need to get back on track and focus on having a healthy mind and body and getting my direction back. May as well start now, ne!
