“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Made In Chelsea

So when I realised that I was completely up to date with the ridiculous amount of TV shows that I'm watching, I started watching Made In Chelsea.

I have absolutely no idea why - it's not the most exciting viewing in the world.

But I've stuck with it because of where it's filmed...Chelsea!!!! And I keep getting totally nostalgic watching everyone hanging in some of my favourite spots in town, as well as getting googly eyed over the stunning views of London at night. The South Bank really is absolutely beautiful - especially at night.

I've just finished Season 2 and it was the Christmas episode. I've been left with the hugest grin on my face, as I realise that I'm finally going to be celebrating Christmas in London after 6 years of spending this time of year in the sun.

I'm just pumped to catch up with a lot of friends that I know are going to be back at the same time and I'm hoping to get away for new year with my travel bf. I never realise how much I miss everyone until I think about the prospect of seeing them again after such a long time.

And don't even get me started on the food. Me, my mum, my mum's kitchen and an effing OVEN!!!! When I was back at my parents' house last year, I cooked dinner every day and I'm sure this time is going to be no exception. I'm really, really excited!

 I've also been thinking a lot about goals and New Year's Resolutions. I can't remember if I told you at the beginning of this year that I've had pretty much the same resolutions for the past 10 years.

Well, if I haven't achieved them already, then I think it's time to accept that they are never going to happen! LOL! So I've already been thinking about more practical and realistic goals for the next year. It's going to be a huge year with a lot of change - I already know that - so my resolutions need to be able to work into all these anticipated changes.

I can tell you now that, that first and foremost is HEALTH.

Getting healthy and doing everything that I can to stay healthy. I'm not getting any younger after all!

And quite randomly, I think I want to try and stop drinking beer. It makes me fat and gives me horrid breath and a ghastly hangover. Wine hangovers are also pretty crappy....think I'll just try and stick to spirits and champagne! LOL! Maybe that's a Made In Chelsea influence, but it could be worth a shot. I am totally going to miss Corona though - those of you that know me well, know that that's my beer of choice.

Yah...feeling very reflective. And ready for change.


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