“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 10 November 2013

Sucked In!!!

OK...where to start with this!!!

 So basically, I've kinda been dating an American and a Brit over the last few weeks.

Why does that sound so much worse than it really is?!

Nothing shady - just dinner, OK!

So, a lot of Japanese girls always ask me whether I prefer British or American men. In the past, I hate to say it, but it really hasn't been much of a contest - the Brits won every time.

Gentlemanly behaviour, understanding the second British language of sarcasm, being more mature.

But recently, I've noticed that I've been steering in the direction of American men more and more. And then when I was thinking about it, the last few guys I've been on dates with (in between the Asian ones) have all been American.

Now don't get it twisted - I know I was heartbroken, but that was like a month ago! LOL! And as I mentioned, it was an impossible situation, so there's no point in dwelling about it, right? Everyone told me that I should get right back out there, so I am!


It all sounds so bad, but it really isn't!!

So, back to these American men. I've worked out what it is that keeps pulling me back in.

It's something so damn small that people are gonna be like WTF, but...

I absolutely, insanely ADORE...

...being called....


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I wish that I could say I was joking, but I'm not!! It drives me crazy!! Even more so when it's in a southern drawl....which used to be an accent I absolutely couldn't stand, but for some reason, that word and that accent.....especially when it's coming out of an incredibly hot mouth.....

Complete sucker!!!

Don't judge!!!


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