“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 25 November 2013

Proud As Punch

Today, my German chocolate cake was put to the test.

And I couldn't be more thrilled with the feedback!

The first person to try it was the person that I originally made it for. He told me it was perfect and better than the one that he had bought from the shop before! The rest of the feedback has been pretty much along the same lines, and now my friend has confirmed that he wants me to make one for his birthday - and he'll pay me for it!

That was the other comment that I've been getting all day - I should sell them. Apparently this particular cake is practically non-existent or Tokyo and if you order it, then you're looking at a 3 week wait for a one-layer mediocre cake. That's what my friend said anyway. He offered me money for this one, but I was happy to do it as a favour, plus it was just a trial run to see how it tasted. I've got no problem making them for people to buy if I'm asked. It won't be cheap though - to get the ingredients for just ONE cake rings in at like 4,500yen and then add the time it takes to make the whole thing from start to finish....I've got a price, so if you're interested, mail me! LOL! I'm definitely open to making them to sell, so just let me know!

It's a great feeling when you've tried something for the first time and it's turned out to be a great success. I'm not a fan of chocolate cake myself, but I've thoroughly enjoyed other people appreciating it all day. Thank you all for your compliments! They are making me grin from ear to ear!


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