“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Break Up Sex


I accidently on purpose taught this to a client today.

She was telling me about her (considerably) younger boyfriend who she is going on holiday with this week.

She was telling me that she thinks it's best for them to split up. She didn't know the term split up, so i asked her to give me another example of how to use it.

She turns to me and says...and I quote verbatim...

"I'm going to tell him my true feelings and if he doesn't like it, I'm going to strip".

LMAO!!! I just burst out into hysterics. She knows the word strip so I didn't have to tell her what she had really said. We were laughing for ages and then she tells that stripping would be a good thing at that time as well. LOL!!

Hence, the term break up sex!!! I just couldn't resist. I love this woman - it's actually freaky how alike we are, even though she's 9 years older than me. We both speak Spanish and adore Spain, we both are career first women, we both would be content with a partner instead of getting married, we both don't really mind if we don't have children, we both have the same attitudes towards men - using them as a plaything is PERFECTLY OK.....the list goes on!!!

When she comes back from Spain in a couple of weeks, I'm defintiely gonna suggest we go for a drink! I can only imagine how fun it would be! Plus we would have a choice of 3 languages to converse in. It's gonna be wild - I know it already!


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