“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 9 October 2010

How Am I Feeling?

Tired, frustrated, anxious, excited, chuffed, full and I have a headache.


Tired...well - you know why that is.

Frustrated because I'm not getting the results I want fast enough. I get there in the end but I want to be able to make things happen faster. Definitely a skill that's there but I need to seriously develop...kinda like getting that final hook instead of people walking away to think. I don't want them to think...I want them to make an instant decision. LOL - how many people do that? Really? It's normal for people to wanna think about something before splashing out so much cash on it, right? But I KNOW and I can see from other people that there is a hook - I just have to figure out what it is.

Anxious because...I dunno...I always feel a bit anxious when I'm going back to Kyushu. Even though I've only been back once since I left, it's going to be totally different this time. I know that I'm gonna be super anxious next time I go to the UK as well.

Excited...well, just because I really can't wait to see my friends that ARE still in Kyushu. =)

Chuffed because I finally got notification that I will receive some unemployment insurance from the money that I lost when my last company went bankrupt. It's not a lot and isn't close to the amount I actually lost but at least it's something and I'm looking at it as I kinda little bonus on top of my wages. Which means I'm going to blow the whole lot shopping!! If I can actually find anything to buy that is.

Full because I've yet again stuffed my face with crap. Man, I really need to get to the supermarket tomorrow so I can eat something that constitutes as a healthy meal.

No idea why I have a headache....probably because I'm not drinking enough water. LOL.


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