“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 21 July 2011


I landed back in Japan this morning. And I have to say, that was the best long haul flight that I have ever taken!

Normally I get lumbered sitting next to some old fart who has no interest in talking to me and just keeps themselves to themselves. Not this time.

I was sitting in the departure lounge flicking through my passport, when this 18 year old guy made some comment about the number of times that I've been to Japan. We started chatted away and it turns out that we ended up sitting next to each other! He might have been young but he was kinda like one of those bright eyed, bushy tail people with so much energy which made him really fun to talk to.

Didn't necessarily make the time go any faster but it was definitely less boring!

I was gonna take the skyliner back but I couldn't be arsed to wait like 40 minutes for the next one, plus was bag was way too heavy to be lugging through 3 changes on the train. I ended up taking the airport limousine coach back to Shinjuku because from there, it's only one line back to my station. Thing is, there was so much traffic on the road that it ended up taking me like 2 hours to get back from the airport. It was worth the comfort though.

I've come back to a shitloada bills. Inhabitant tax, health insurance and pension is setting me back close to 800 quid a month. How ridiculous is that?! It feels good to be back in my place though - even though everything is really hectic right now with my flatmate moving out at the end of the month. I'm so excited to move upstairs to the bigger room - more space, a study, a blacony and more importantly - HUMUNGOUS closet space. Which could also be my downfall as I look to buy more clothes to fill it. I dread the day that I have to do what he's doing because I've accumulated so much in the last 4 years that I wouldn't know where to start when it comes to finally leaving the country.

But yah, it's definitely exciting. Kinda feels like a new start almost. Even though it's the same house, it's gonna be a new room and then a new flatmate - I've been at this place 2 years and I always seem to move every 2 years so it's quite fitting really.

So, so tired but I'm gonna try and stay up until my normal bedtime so that I don't screw myself over too much at work tomorrow. But looking at my huge, comfy, soft and snuggly bed, I might not be able to resist a nap.


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