“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 28 July 2011


You know what?

After everything that I did yesterday to fight this cold, I kinda expected to wake up with a spring in my step....which totally didn't happen!!

don't get me wrong, I got up at 5am, went to jump in the shower and then realised that my chest felt tight and everything ACHED from all the coughing. And then I had a mammoth coughing fit and realised that I still wasn't ready to go back to work.

If I had one of those jobs where I could shut myself up in an office and do routine desk work all day, I would've gone in. But, because my job requires a lot of client facing talking, it would have been impossible. Especially because it's the talking that aggravates the cough.

I got through the entire Cycle 10 of America's Next Top Model since I've been off. I dunno why I started with season 10 - I've never watched it before and that one had the most links so I just went for it and now I think I'm hooked! Tyra Banks is just phenomenally stunning it's incredible!!

But yah, throughout the day I've been feeling much better. I managed to get out to the supermarket and get a whole load of fresh fruit and yoghurt - makes a change to the honey - I was getting worried that my teeth would fall out!!! I've been up since 5 today though, so I'm feeling really tired now but I'm hoping that I'll wake up tomorrow feeling back to normal, or at least 90%.

I can't afford to take another day off work, so I really need to go in.


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