“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Let The Fight Begin!

Enough already.

I am so sick of being sick that I'm actually going to make more of a proactive effort to get rid of this cold that has been doing my head in for the last couple of days.

I always push myself to go into work when I'm sick so my body never gets the rest to fully recuperate like it needs to. I swear if I hadn't of gone into work on Monday, I would have been OK by today.

A lesson learned. Despite feeling much better today and having gotten rid of the temperature, I called in sick. I still have this ridiculous cough which isn't gonna go anywhere unless I preserve my voice and rest my throat. Something that my job doesn't allow me to do. After the embarrassment of coughing all the way through a lesson yesterday, I figured that it would be best just to cancel a short shift today so that I could rest and (hopefully) feel better and refreshed for a long day back at work tomorrow.

I have drunk so many cups of tea with honey today that I'm losing my appetite! Actually, I don't think I have eaten anything all day but the truth is I'm so full with tea that I just don't want anything! At least I still have that pizza I ordered yesterday if I feel peckish. Not the healthiest thing in the world but whatever. Man, I could really go for a blueberry smoothie right now. Energy booster! I might ask my flatmate to pick me up some when he heads out food shopping later.

All the windows are closed, the air con is off and I am literally sweating this shit out in bed. It's seriously gross - a change of sheets is gonna be required after today! Eeeeuuuuuuwwwww! I know if I can just get more of a control on this damn cough, then I'll be fine. It's the only problem now. The congestion's gone, the temperature's gone, that general lethargic feeling has almost gone - it's mainly dure to the lack of sleep because I was up all night coughing. And it's making my stomach muscles ache. Doh!

I can't believe it's 3pm already. How come when the time comes that you need to kick back and slowly rest that time just flies but crawls when you're suffering at work. Typical.

Fingers crossed this works and I'll be feeling much better tomorrow.


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