“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 16 July 2011

Quiero Volver A Espana?

I got back this morning after 5 days in Ibiza.

Do you have any idea how much I miss Spain?! I LOVE speaking Spanish, not to mention the GORGEOUS old towns and most importantly, the insanely, INSANELY hot, buff men!!!

Men who LOVE women. Men who appreciate tans, curves, flirting, being outrageous and confident, banter. Men who can just dance with women and have a good time. Men who aren't scared to approach women and even be a little bit cheeky.

Men who have all the things that men in Japan are lacking.

It's like, so many foreign guys in Japan have yellow fever. I can't stand that hating on foreign girls thing that so many foreigners in Japan have. Let me tell you something boys - LBH.

Know what that means?


THAT is why you are hating on foreign girls so much!! LOL!! The amount of guys that just get an attitude oout in Japan is crazy.

Unlike the sexy Spaniards - their attitude is justified but incredible golden skin, washboard stomachs, sexy backs, shoulders and strong thighs.

Mmmmm mmmmmm. LOL!

I always think I wanna move somewhere else when I visit a different country but I've already lived in Spain and it was this trip to Ibiza that made me realise that I would actually love to go back and spend more time there. We had a wicked time - it was really interesting to see the two sides to Ibiza. More on that tomorrow though - I'm way too knackered for that know.


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