“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 22 July 2011

Too Soon

Ergh - I really wish I had started back to work next week instead of going in today.

Jet lag hit me in full force and I had a tough day to go with it.

I ended up going to bed at like 10.30pm last night after a 4 hour nap. I also made the mistake of leaving the window open, so I was woken up by something (or someone) at like 4am. And then I woke up again at 5am and just layed there in bed until 8. It was only when I got on the train that I started to feel positively knackered again.

And remarkably, I managed to get through the day without a single can of red bull. I've cut my portions and trying to eat a little healthier until I can get back to the gym and lose this extra weight that I've put on. It's disgusting - nothing has ever wobbled before. So gross. No offence.

It was weird going back to work today. It's like I wasn't really there and my body was just going through the motions. It was good to see some familiar faces - one in particular...although to be honest, I really should give up on that.

I really think I'm going to. You get to a point when you realise that there really is just no point and I think I'm there now.


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