“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 30 September 2012

Impromptu Nights

I don't really know what I was expecting from last night.

But it certainly wasn't an all nighter at ageHa!!

The evening started with a really awesoem BBQ at my friend's house. It's been ages since I've chilled out like that with a great group of people. Lots of food, lots of wine and lots of giggles. At the end of the night I knew I was supposed to be meeting a friend that I hadn't seen for ages. When he told me that he was planning to head to ageHa, I was like, no way - too far, I'm too tired and I can't be arsed. Plus the music is better on a Friday night there.

But as me and my girl were in a cab on our way to Azabu for a few drinks and a bit of a booty shaking sess, we just suddenly had a change of heart and found ourselves hitting up Shibuya to gett he shuttle to ageHa.

How did that happen?

Well, we figured that with the cost of a cab back to mine and considering that it was already after midnight, it would actually work out cheaper to go to ageHa. And I'm so glad we did!! She's absolutely gorgeous and we got to meet so many amusing people!!! After the BBQ and all the wine that we had had before, we weren't in serious dance mode but the weather was so nice so just hanging out outside and by the pool was cool. Just wish I could've got my dancehall fix! LOL! 

It's funny how you can meet someone and in that same night, feel like you've known them forever! 

Knackered today though - was debating going to the gym, but apparently there's a typhoon coming later and the class finishes kinda late. I don't wanna get caught up in that while I'm walking home. Good enough excuse as any right? HAHA!

So what does that mean for my Sunday?

Catching up with the X-Factor!! Don't judge - there's actually a lot of real talent on the show this year!!!!


Wednesday 26 September 2012


The good news.

I just booked my flight to New Zealand!! YAY!! The prices are always changing online but I found a very reasonable one online and asked a Japanese travel agent to match the price...whcih they did...WITHOUT any handling fees. Swwweeeeetttt!!! \(^0^)/

The crappy bit?

I have to pay for the whole lot tomorrow.

Of course when you buy something online you have to pay for it upfront, but normally with this travel agent, they let you pay a deposit and then the rest of the balance is due one month before. But because there was literally only 1 seat left on my return flight, I have to pay the whole amount to secure the reservation.


I've just paid my rent, health insurance, pension, phone bill, gas, water, electricity, internet/TV, commuter pass and some other expenses and having to pay this as well - man, I've just kissed goodbye to my whole paycheck. Which wasn't even that much in the first place since I only worked half a month in August.

It's gonna have to be a quiet October!!


Monday 24 September 2012

Close Call


That was SERIOUSLY close!!

After having a massive reality check and also having some sense knocked into me, I have decided to leave the cake well alone. As delicious and tempting as it is, it's not mine to eat.

Honestly, I have no idea what the hell I'm thinking sometimes!!!! And to be honest, it's very out of character - not sure what triggered that all off.

But it's all good.

Leaving well alone.



Sunday 23 September 2012

Playing With Fire

It's always the element of danger which make things just that little bit more exciting.

We are all taught the difference between right and wrong.

But sometimes it's hard, no matter how in control you think you are.

And at the end of the day...

Temptation is a bitch.

It's like someone putting a plate of your favourite cake absolutely smothered in cream in front of you and telling  you that you can't eat it.

How are you supposed to resist?!

How are you supposed to just LEAVE it there?


It's just gotta be eaten.You just HAVE to take a bite.

What can I say....I'm weak!

Actually no, I'm only HUMAN.


Thursday 20 September 2012

Thank you =)

Thank you my lovelies.

Thank you for all your wonderful messages of support and encouragement. They mean a lot and have picked me up.

Feeling much better today. =)

Didn't sleep so well last night, but I got to catch up with my friend over breakfast after my shift this morning and having a chinwag with him always makes me feel more positive.

Our list of stuff we need to do just keeps getting longer and longer but it's all something to look forward.

I also received some fantastic (and shitty - but that's another story) news from my dear friend in Canada which has also managed to put a smile on my face today.

Still thinking about my grandad and hoping that he will get better soon. My family are visiting him every day so it's a matter of playing the waiting game and hoping for the best.

Fingers crossed!!


Wednesday 19 September 2012

Get Well Soon

Last night I got the really sad news that my grandad is in hospital.

It's not even the fact that he is in hospital which is the sad part - I am just stunned at how fast his health has deteriorated. I was with him only 5 weeks ago and he was doing OK, but since then I've heard about falls, confusion and now, a broken hip.

88 years old...and my grandad is no different to other members of that generation - he HATES hospitals. He HATES doctors and he HATES being taken care of. And from the sound of it, he is letting every single person around him let him know that and is being a very difficult patient. 

I don't want to go into any more details, but what I heard about his behaviour has really shocked and upset me. He sounds so out of character, but deep down I know it's just a reaction from having to stay in hospital. And his condition has gotten so serious, that when he comes out, for sure he's gonna need round the clock care.

That is NOT gonna go down well with him. =(

I asked my mum last night if I needed to go home. She said no. I was gonna buy my ticket to NZ next week, but I think I'll hold off for 2 weeks just until I know the whole situation. If everything's good, I'm gonna pay an extortionate price, but it's only money and it can be made back.

This year marks the 5th anniversary of the passing of my nan. She would have been 90 this year. And there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about her and I applaud my grandad in battling on as long as he has since that day. Thank you.

 Needless to say, I am worried sick and didn't sleep a wink last night. I'm going to buy a card and write a letter to him - hopefully that will cheer him up.  He's talked about wanting to leave for years....I can only hope now that he isn't giving up. Feeling like crap today.

Be strong.

Get well soon.


Sunday 16 September 2012

Tasman Bay

Seriously - how gorgeous is this?

You all know how much I just adore the beach and the fact that New Zealand has so many hidden gems like this makes the trip that even more exciting. 

I absolutely cannot WAIT to go!

I need like 6 weeks to do it the way I would like to but I think I'm going to have to make a couple of sacrifices on the North Island so that I can fit in more on the South.


I've had a really great weekend. I actually enjoyed work yesterday (shock, horror!!) - not quite sure why, but I had a really good day. Then it was out for dinner and drinks with friends which is always a good laugh - especially when you don't get wrecked and can comfortably make one fo the last trains home. I spent this afternoon in Shinjukugyoen too and it was just such gorgeous weather with the lightest of breezes. I was supposed to be meeting friends there but no matter how times I walked around, I just couldn't find them!!! And that was the perfect moment for my phone to die on me as well! Typical!! So I just chilled out for like an hour on the super soft grass with my LP and got myself all pumped up for my trip.

Payday soon and then I can finally buy my ticket! God knows how much the prices have gone up now, but to be honest, I don't really care. It's totally gonna be worth it. Really excited about seeing my old flatmate as well - he's bought a mammoth house in Christchurch and has a car and bike, so I'm looking forward to exploring around there with him and his wife. It's gonna be great!


Wednesday 12 September 2012


I love this time of year.


Because the new season of Project Runway is well under way!!!


I absolutely LOVE this show and not only this, but the new season of ANTM has also started with the DELICIOUS Rob Evans on it as one of the new judges.

Errr.....HELLLLLLOOOOOOOO sir!! No joke - I swear down he rivals Willy Monfret in how damn fine he is!!!

Yes, I know that everyone hates reality shows but remember that these support new talent. OK, so ANTM might not be on the same level as the other two, but I really love watching the photoshoots and looking at the transformations. And it's perfect timing because SYTYCD is gonna finish next week!

I really need to start watching some proper TV shows! LOL!!

Not that you'd get it from what I've just said, but I've been really productive recently!! I feel like I'm making more out of the time that I have free before work and I'm not sure why, but it feels like things have slowed down a bit. They haven't - I'm still working the same schedule, but something has switched in my attitude that it doesn't feel like I'm rushing around or as tired as usual. 

I have a feeling it's something to do with my upcoming travel plans - not just for this Christmas but for my birthday next year as well. So excited about that - it's going to be very, very special. (^0^)

When I have a trip to look forward to, it's like nothing else matters. Everything that I do now is leading up to that and it's that excitement that keeps me going. I also worked out that NZ is going to be my 8th trip this year. Spoiling myself much?! HAHA!

I think going to bed earlier is also helping - I'm generally not feeling as tired....although that seems to change the minute I get to work! But I haven't touched a single can of red bull all week - and believe me, that's definitely an achievement for me! I'm just hoping it can continue for the rest of the week but I know it's unlikely as Thursdays and Fridays are my super busy days.

Looking forward to spending time with friends at the weekend though, so it's allll good.



Monday 10 September 2012


I'm in my element when I'm planning a trip.

Nothing can spoil my mood this evening! It's all good.

So I knew New Zealand was amazing. Everyone has told me and when my friends came Tokyo from Kyushu a couple of years ago, we went to this Rugby World Cup promo thing at Tokyo Tower. Inside I was just gobsmacked at the sheer natural beauty of this tiny country and I knew from that point on that I needed to make more of an effort to make sure that I get there.

But going through the guidebook and seeing how much New Zealand has to offer - man, I'm being blown away and I haven't even booked a ticket yet!! I'm finding that my initial plan of going for 2 weeks is just getting longer and longer...not just because there is so much to see, but also because the flight prices just keep increasing and coming back one day later is always that little bit cheaper.

Man, I wish I was flying from the UK - it's way cheaper than flying from Japan. But hey - nothing I can do about it, but I figured that if I was gonna be forking out this extortionate amount of money for the flight, then I should get my money's worth and spend a decent amount of time there. Of course that always cripples me financially since it's unpaid time off work....what to do....

Can't do anything right now anyway - I have to wait until payday at the end of the month before I can pay for the ticket and get confirmation whether I'm going alone or not. I'm just hoping that the prices don't go up too much - I'm already looking at about £1400 just for the flight.

But I know it's going to be worth every penny.


Saturday 8 September 2012

The Phenomenon That Is Earth

I could sit and look at a map for hours. 

In fact, I do.

I close my eyes and then just plonk my finger down on a map...and then google it.

And more often than not, I end up wanting to go there.

Do you remember when I said that this year was going to be my last 'big' travel year?

Yeah, well you can scrap that!!

There are just way too many places that have to be seen before I die. You should travel your whole life. Don't use marriage and kids as an excuse to say that you can't.

You CAN.

And should.

So you all know that I'm heading to New Zealand this Christmas and New Year. I haven't booked my ticket yet, but I'm starting to do a little more research into it.

HOW stunning?

I badly wanna go for like 3 weeks, but with the nature of my work, I just can't afford to take that much unpaid time off. Plus the fact that a lot of new things may be happening next year...it just can't be done. So I'm planning to head out there for 2...and it's so hard to decide what to see. And I think I'm gonna be flying solo, so of course I wanna be able to spend some time with my friends too. There is just so much beauty out there and it's gonna be tough to try and see everything. 

So excited about it all.

And then next on my list is Africa. Starting with Zanzibar. If you don't know about it, google it and marvel at these two stunning islands of untouched beauty. I thought that it would cost an absolute fortune to experience that piece of paradise, but it's really not that more expensive then my flight to NZ is going to be. YAY!!

And then I've become so mesmorized by Namibia. I don't think I've ever been to a desert before.....no, I don't think I have and this one is just remarkable. And then there's the Lac Rose in Senegal, Cabo Verde and of course I need to go and see my girl in SA and then there's Egypt and I wanna hit up Ghana and OF COURSE, Kenya and I would go to Angola if I was brave enough and I wanna visit friends in Mozambique. And I've seen from loads of friend's pics that there are gems along the east and west coast that have just got to be done. 

Then there's still my dream to hit up the French Polynesia. 

So many places.

I still need to head back and do Europe properly!!!

And I wanna see more of the States - namely the Grand Canyon and Havasu Falls.

And me and my fave travel buddy always talked about Nepal and Mongolia. I still wanna do that.

So, so many places. I've barely even touched on them all here. I wouldn't be able to - it would make this entry waaaayyyy too long.


Who says you can't travel and save?! Yeh, OK I know I might not be able to save even a fraction of what a lot of other people do.....but then again, do those people get to see as much of the world as I do? Exactly.

The Earth is a truly phenomenal place. And having the privilege of travelling around to see it - man, THIS is why I work my arse off. This is why I live.

To travel.

My most favourite thing to do in the whole world.

So inspired.

I could sit and look at pics of the world all evening.

In fact, that is EXACTLY how I'm going to spend my Saturday night.


Friday 7 September 2012

Just Give It A Chance!!


Men are so frustrating.

No, I'm not talking about anyone who has come onto the scene recently.

Over the years, there have been 3 guys that I would have potentially married.

Apart from the fact that we all live in completely different parts of the world, it boils down to the fact that they were too scared to just give it a go.

But the thing is, this latter fact I've only been finding out recently. 

K so there was someone here who became one of my best friends. I adore him, I love everything about him and we got on insanely well. But that was it - we were good friends and I always thought that he wanted to keep it that way so that we wouldn't wreck what we had.

And I accepted that - in fact, I was kinda glad because at the end of the day, with this particular guy, I would definitely rather have a lifelong friendship than a failed relationship. 

So today I found out that that same guy is having a kid next year. I'm truly so, so happy for him because I know he really wants kids and he is going to be just the most amazing father. I know he is because he is such an amazing person.

But then when we were talking today, he revealed that the reason him and I never happened was because he felt that he would always want more and he didn't wanna get screwed over by me. I was one of the guys and I always thought that that's how it wanted to keep it. I had no idea that he felt the way that I had for all the years that I had known him. Not a clue.

The same reason another guy I met when I was 20 wouldn't have a relationship with me - he said that he didn't wanna fall for me and then get hurt.

Looking back at how I was then, I can see how they would've been wary - I've grown up a lot since then, but at the same time, it's frustrating because we'll never know how it would've worked out.

Hearing that same thing again today - it hurt me a little bit because I know how I felt about this guy at the time and now knowing that he felt the same way and chose not to give us a chance - it's so...arrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!! It's all good though, because I still have him in my life and I can't wait until the day comes around when I can see him again. I adore him - always have, always will.

A very, very special guy. These two both are.


Wednesday 5 September 2012



A new supermarket has opened literally 50 seconds from my house.

I normally go to the supermarket after I've been to the gym. Around my gym there is a Tesco and a huge Seiyu and another big supermarket.

The downside to those places is that I have to walk 20 mins back to my house carrying a load of heavy bags. Sure, I could take the train, but more often than not, I walk.

The supermarket which was closest to my place before this one opened is tiny. And, like the others, it's either really cheap or super expensive. So normally I have to go to all 4 places to see which is the cheapest from week to week.

But this new one is a decent size with 2 floors and a great selection of meat and fish. The other really awesome thing about it is that it's open from 6am to 1am. Which means that even if I finish work late, I can still go and take advantage of the deals at the end of the day. I always see people talking about how they picked up cheap meat and fish when they went at night - gonna see if that's the case next week!

They have an opening sale on for a couple of days and the fruit and veg was so cheap!! Only 79yen for an avocado and zucchini was only 79yen as well!! Got loads of meet and fish at half price - I've shoved it all in the freezer so that's gonna last me a while. And I spent under 3000yen! I couldn't believe it! It pretty much matches the other stores at regular prices but it's just nice to have something so close because it means I won't have to do a massive shop every time and practically break  my arms carrying the bags back home. I can nip in whenever I need something instead. How nice!! 

I might actually go in tomorrow night instead of next week to see what the discounts are like....if there are any on top of the sales prices. 

Super exciting! LOL!

I've always said that one of the things I miss most about the UK is a mammoth supermarket. I still don't have access to one but it's better than what I've had for the last 3 years!! And to not have to trudge a whole loada food home over a 20 min walk is definitely a bonus!!

Of course I'll still be nipping into Tesco for my ginger nuts!! HAHAHHAHA!!



OMG I'm aching all over!!!

And for those that know what happened on Sunday night (which isn't many), you already know why.

It didn't help that I couldn't sit down on any train that I was on today.

I dunno what it is, but everytime I get on the train, I always end up standing in front of the people who NEVER get off before I do. 

The people who are on the opposite sides always get up but of course I don't get that seat coz someone else chose more wisely than I did where to stand.


And when you're finishing work at 10pm and you're body just wants to rest like mine, it makes the trip back home ghastly.

Looking forward to a mini lie-in before hitting the gym tomorrow. Work the aches out in the pool to some aqua aero....well, that's what I'm hoping anyway!!



Monday 3 September 2012


Not that I'm complaning.....

 .....but out of nowhere, I've found myself surrounded by single men!!! DECENT single men!!!!


I have always complained time and time again that every time I find a guy I like, he's always taken.

Well something's been going on recently because in the last week, I've met 5 single guys who are funny, insanely hot, taller than me (well, with the exception of 1....who funnily enough is a gaijin!!) and want to take me out. Even better is that 4 of them are Japanese - yes, funny, insanely hot and tall J - guys DO exist!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Where did they all come from? LOL - who cares!!

I went on a very impressive first date on Friday, so I'm looking forward to seeing how the others live up to that - the bar's been set pretty high! 

One thing is for sure though, my Japanese is getting a serious work out as only ONE of these guys speaks English (of course it's the foreign one), but it's all good.

Feeling so tired and hungover today - had a blinder of a night out with my girl and we came stumbling in at 7 this morning. What happened? Well, sorry to disappoint but that just can't be shared!! But what I CAN tell you is that the night pretty much went like this:

3 bars, 1 club, a few bananas, glasses and glasses of champagne, rum and vodka, serious eye candy, good music, some booty shaking, a room in the Grand Hyatt hotel, a bubble bath, slippery floors, muffled sounds and lots and lots of giggles!!

And it's back to Roppongi tonight for dinner! Think I might need to take a nap first!



Saturday 1 September 2012


What a cracking start Team GB has had to the Paralympic Games.

I'm not going to lie - I haven't been able to follow as closely as I would had I been in England. I would love to blame it solely on the time difference, but sadly it's not even that.

There is ZERO coverage over here. I checked the medal table - Japan aren't even in the top 42 - are they even in it at all?! I don't even know. But from what I've been hearing, unless Japan is participating in an event - nothing is shown on TV.

When I came back, everyone was complaining that all they could watch over here was the wrestling, judo, table tennis and only got to see the other events if there was a Japanese participant. There were also humungous complaints about the closing ceremony because the Japanese commentators talked over all the performances.

So I'm having to make do with the internet and getting FB updates and checking out the newspapers. It's a shame because I can remember so clearly the feeling that I had watching the Olympics live. The Paralympics are not less important - they don't get nearly enough coverage and it's somewhat disrespectful - WRs are being broken left, right and centre - I wish I could be there to see it.

It's bloody fantastic for the UK though. I mean, I've NEVER seen the Paralympics before, but because everyone was buzzing after the Olympics and it was so difficult to get tickets, more and more people starting buying Paralympics tickets to be part of the whole experience. It's putting British Paralympians on the map which will be so great for the next Olympics and Paralympics, as people will be more inclined to support them.

Just looking at the pictures, just reading the news and the sad stories behind the athletes' disabilities, my god it's so inspiring!! The motto of the 2012 games is "Inspire a generation". It's really, really special to see that it's not only able-bodied athletes who are doing the inspiring.

What truly amazing human beings.

22 medals and it's only day 3. What a ridiculous achievement and it's far superior than the performance at this stage in the Olympic Games. I'm so glad that the British athletes at least will get the recognition that they deserve.


How much I wish I could be there.
