“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 21 July 2010


Man I have just had the most awesome 3 day weekend.

My boys were up from Kyushu and even though I was completely knackered, deprived of sleep and hadd a destroyed liver, we made it out every night and just had the best time.

ageHa on Friday night was OFF THE HOOK. Easily the best night I've had there by a mile. I never even thought I'd make it until 5 because I was working all day and just shattered. But it was so great to just be out with my friends and we just ripped up the dancefloor and got wasted.

Depite a stinking hangover on Saturday we made it out to Akasaka for lunch and then hit up Akihabara where we went to a maid cafe. Definitely an experience not to be repeated!! Then Roppongi in the evening. I'm not really a massive fan but we went to my favourite reggae bar....and then I was responsible and came home coz I had to work on Sunday.

Sunday night we met some of my friend's friends and went to an izakaya in Shinjuku before meeting some people in Nichome. Another experience my friends probably don't wanna repeat in their lifetime but I still think it's great that they were seeing all these different sides of Tokyo!!!! Sorry boys!

On Sunday we went down to Shonan beach in Kamakura. It was a whopping 36.2 degrees and I loved every minute of it!! After that we went to meet my friend's mum in Zushi, where we went to a stunning restaurant and got to see the most perfect sunset over Mount Fuji and the beach. It took my breath away. I'm gonna upload the photos later but you're gonna cry when you see it. It was THAT beautiful.

Good times. It just sucks that it had to end with a goodbye - one of my boys is going back to New Zealand next month. But it's all good - I know I'm gonna see him soon so I didn't see the point in getting ridiculously upset. Pah! More like I didn't wanna get back on the train with huge red puffy eyes! LMAO!!!

I really LOVE Tokyo!!!!


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