“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 25 July 2010


Last night I got a message from my ex.

I hadn't spoken to him in god knows how many months so I didn't even bother replying.

Then when I got home after a fabulous evening out with my girl, the phone rang and it was him.

They always say curiosity killed the cat. I couldn't resist - I HAD to know what he wanted. So I picked up the phone.....WHAT A MISTAKE!!

He had called to tell me...

....that he is getting married.

OUCH!! >_<

In any other situation I would probably actually be happy for him. But then he told me that he had only met this girl 6 months ago and they have only been dating for 2 months...and she lives in Kyushu so he hasn't even spent that much time with her.


So I'm like why are you telling me this?! He told me that he had proposed recently...and then it clicked. He's just turned 30. And he had always told me that he wanted to be married by 30....a lil mid life crisis maybe that he's just gone and rushed into this?! Makes sense.....but to be honest I can't say I care...I'm just SHOCKED.

And disappointed that he isn't marrying someone that he is crazy about I guess. It just feels WEIRD and put a damper on what had beena really great night. If I thought he was getting married for the right reasons that I would be so happy for him - honestly. But I just have this niggling feeling that that's not the case and I'm annoyed that he told me.

Ignorance really is bliss sometimes.


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