“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 5 July 2010

Back, Black and Broke

It feels like I've been away for ages and not been anywhere at the same time.

I've just had a wicked couple of weeks. Exhausting. But fabulous. I'm trying to stay up and got o bed at my normal time to try and make the jetlag a bit easier. I read for the entire duration of the flight, getting through 3 of the 4 Twilight Saga books. Pretty impressive, huh?

I saw Eclipse while I was in NY. Not the norm I know, but at 8 dollars a ticket, how could I resist! Plus it's fabulous to know that I've come back to Japan and no one else has seen it yet. I absolutely LOVED it - the best one so far by a mile. By a billion miles. It was absolutely hilarious to hear every single female in the cinema gasp when Jacob was on screen shirtless for the first time. My god - I was on Team Edward before and have jumped so fast onto the Jacob bandwagon!! The most PERFECT skin and the BEST back!! It was impossible not to inhale sharply every time he was on screen.

I've gone a bit Twilight mad to be honest. I was so bored on the flight on the way over and so determined not to let that happen again that I bought 6 books at the airport, including the entire Twilight Saga series. Set me back a small fortune but it was entirely worth it. Never has a long haul flight passed by so fast. I love books that you just can't put down. But now my eyes are burning with the lack of sleep. Just a little bit longer untill I can sink my head onto the soft pillow....every bone in my body is screaming at me to rest but I just can't bear the thought of waking up at some stupid time in the morning and then not being able to get back to sleep. Coz that really sucks.


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