“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 29 September 2010

No Judgement Please!

My God, I am absolutely LOVING this season on the X-Factor!!!

So intense and there are so many AMAZING (and annoying) acts in there this year!

I wish I could watch the live shows instead of having to wait for days for a decent stream online.


Don't judge me!



I am having the greatest week!

Not only is it gorgeous weather on my day off, but I've booked my flight to OZ, the bar I designed is opening tonight, my sales success rate at work is impressive, I'm on top of my bills FINALLY, I've landed a 3 year extension on my visa and I have money to go shopping!

Isn't that great?!

What an amazing feeling! It's like everything has just come together right at the end of the month.

Now I just have to deal with the ghastly trip to the Immigration office and run a whole load of errands today before I can hit the shops. Not that I can go mad mind you. I send a big fat portion of my pay check back home and after paying all my bills, I'm not actually left with that much to play with. Plus, I have to keep some for my trip back to my Japanese hometown next month. Might restrict myself to just a pair of shoes today. Or not! :P


Sunday 26 September 2010

Just Gets Better

HOW much are you loving this new season of Gossip Girl?! Hopefully as much as me!

Only 2 episodes in and I am just as hooked as I ever have been. So in love with that show.

On a different note, I went to Shibuya last night to see my friend's bar which I designed. Well, i chose the colour scheme and all the materials for the bar, floor, chairs, etc. I've never tried my hand at anything like that before and to be honest...


I never anticipated that the place would look so good! I was so shocked and felt so proud of my friend and even myself for making such great choices given the small budget that we had to work with. I am so excited for the opening and I really hope that everything works out! Should be getting the flyers tomorrow, so I'll let you know all the details!

Come down and join us for a drink!


Friday 24 September 2010

When Did THAT Happen?!

Pay day today! Yay!

So I was online looking for my flight to Oz and I decided that I would check my UK bank account to see if I needed to transfer any money to pay for it.

Yeh I do!

I had no idea that I was overdrawn! I haven't been overdrawn for years so it was a real shock to see that on my statement. Definitely my trip to America that did that - there's no doubt about it. I know I spent a fortune over there. And then there's the £150 I had to shell out to renew my passport - complete daylight robbery! On top of that I have monthly payments to the student loans company coming out. Which reminds me I have to send back the forms for assessment again.

So much crap to sort out and only one day in the week that I can do it. I wonder if there will ever be a time that I will be on top of EVERYTHING and can actually do NOTHING with my day off?

Not this year, that's for sure. But hey, it's all worth it. I find it very satisfying to know that I can kinda choose how much I earn every month so I won't complain.


Thursday 23 September 2010

A Vote Of Confidence

There is nothing more motivating than hearing that people have so much faith in you.

When work gets tough, you can't help but feel a little demotivated, but all it takes is the right words from the right person and you're all set again.

It's all good.



I really hate having to go to the Ward Office.

You would think given the number of foreigners that live in my area that there would be more services available in English. The signs are in English - that's about as far as it goes!

I had to update the information on my gaijin card because I got a new passport. That's no problem to do in Japanese. Then came extending my health insurance - again, no lingo problems there. Then I had to go to the taxation counter.


I just don't have the vocab to deal with that kind fo stuff! They gave me this form to fill out with no English guide and I had to sit there with my dictionary trying to figure out what all the kanji was on this form. And NO ONE could help me - I would have been extremely tolerant of horrific broken English if it gave me even the slightest hint. It's only because the form was so detailed! It took me ages to get through everything.

But I did. And I can't even begin to tell you how tired I was after I had finished! I went there straight from the gym, so I was already a little bit tired but that really knackered me out!

At least it's all done. Nearly.

I have to go back once I get my visa extension. A long, boring wait at the immigration office to look forward to. Lucky me!


So ready to crash.



Tuesday 21 September 2010

All Clued Up

I'm feeling great!

I've just got back from what has been the most useful training session I've had since I joined this new company. I haven't had to take in that much new information in a long time and you know what? It was really refreshing to actually not know the answers and to have to try and work stuff out for a change.

The session was about Business Strategies and I learnt all about different theories and business strategies and how to analyse people and companies based on their visions and mission statements. It was really, really interesting and so useful! I can't wait to actually apply some of this stuff and incorporate the theories to see how they work out.

So now, I'm all clued up about Strategic Planning, Management Theories, E.I., PEST and SWOT Analysis, and the theory behind the Thinking Hats. I found it that interesting, that I'm actually gonna check out some books about the theories! Kinda geeky but it's all transferable knowledge and I'm looking forward to developing my business skills - not just for now but for the future as well.

Exhausted but I really enjoyed today. There were only 2 of us so I couldn't hide behind anyone else and just listen. I was forced to think and analyse different case studies and come up with solutions and suggestions - most of which I didn't even realise I had the ability to do! Now I know the ability is there, it's definitely something that I want to develop further. I've had this trainer a couple of times before and he commented that he noticed I was happier when I could take something concrete away from a session - when I actually learn something NEW instead of recycling the same old stuff over and over again. I totally agree with him and this is definitely a new direction for me.

Looking forward to putting theory into practice! Gonna be a little tough at first I reckon, but it's definitely a way to make work more interesting for sure.


Monday 20 September 2010

Feeling Fabulous

Man, I have been missioning it all day!

I was up early (as we knew I would be) and I just started dealing with all the stuff that I have been putting off for ages - sorting through documents, getting documents filled out and posted, printing out and copying stuff, furikomis, cleaning, laundry, tidying up.....I even went to the gym, the bank, the supermarket and now I'm sorting through my clothes.

Tired, but it feels great to finally get this stuff done. I've gone through my wardrobe and there is so much stuff that I haven't even worn or I've only one once or twice. What a waste that it's just sitting there - if anyone wants any new or hardly worn clothes then let me know! Otherwise I guess I'll just send it back to the UK or to a charity shop. Just need to work through all the draws now! I had a massive clear out before I moved to Tokyo but I wanna go shopping after I get paid for some autumn/winter wear so I need to get ride of some stuff. I always tell myself that I will wear something and then I never do, so I figured I may as well bite the bullet and get rid of stuff now. I mean, if I haven't worn something in a year, what are the chances that I'm going to wear it now, right?


Sunday 19 September 2010

Oh Yeh!

So I tested out the new trainers on my work too and from the gym.

They're a little tight, but now that I've worn them, I can hardly hand them back and ask for a bigger size! I'm just hoping I need to break them in a little.

It's like walking on air cushions! I definitely had a spring in my step when I was walking and the funny thing was that by the time I got to the gym, my calves were actually aching a little bit! Not sure that's a good thing right before a 40min step class but it definitely feels good to know that I'm making my muscles work after such a long break from the gym.

And I really enjoyed my step class today. FINALLY the instructor has changed the CD that she uses and we actually have some modern dance and hip hop in her class! Other classes have better music but I definitely like this instructor the best. And she's definitely upped her game with her choreography - the routine was actually a bit tough for me today! Great workout...and now I'm knackered!

I'm so glad I don't have to wake up to an alarm today. Even on my day off I get up at 8.30 so that I can go to my aqua aerobics class....well, I get up but I don't always make it to the class! LOL! But yah, tomorrow I can sleep in as late as I like. But to be honest, I'm not too hopeful. Probably be up before 9am knowing me. I just don't think I can sleep in anymore...although, I'm gonna give it my best shot because I can definitely use the rest. Plus, there is a whole load of stuff that I WILL do tomorrow.

Roll on a productive day!


A Kick Up The Arse!

Man, sometimes I really love my job.

And today was one of those days! I got the kick up the arse I needed to stop being so lazy and get to the gym. Who would've thought that the motivation came from one of my clients.

How did he do it?

By giving me a pair of Reebok Easytone trainers!

They're going crazy for them over here! They're trainers that tone vital muscles in your legs when you walk. There are pockets of air in the soles that apply pressure to the right points that when you work, certain leg muscles work.

How awesome is that?

I really wanna see if they work and what better way than the 20 minute walk to the gym! I'll let you know how they feel when I get back!


Friday 17 September 2010


As my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier throughout the day, all I could think about was getting away.

I am badly missing the beach and the adventures that come with being on holiday. The people, the food, the walking around in a bikini with no make up, the sun, the heat, the not wearing a watch because time doesn't matter, the sleeping in (what is that again!?) and more than anything...the RELAXATION.

I've mentioned a million times how much I've been working my arse off. The problem is, once you get a taste of earning that much money, it's hard to cut back on your hours and accept less. But I know that I HAVE to....not just because I'm knackered but because now that I have the flexibility to travel ANYTIME I want, I really should start making the most of it. I think a trip every month is order! I'm all set for this year in that respect but it's exciting now that I've fully realised that I can leave and take a break WHENEVER, literally WHENEVER I want.

Now that's what I've been waiting for. I mean, I know that I won't get paid for any time off that I take, but who the hell cares when you get out there and see the world?! This year has been kinda slow in terms of the number of trips that I normally take...hang on...has it? By the end of the year I would've been to Kyushu twice, Singapore, Malaysia, the States, Korea and Oz. That's not actually too bad now that I see it written down on paper.

I sit there day in and day out and I listen to what other people are doing. The trips they're planning, their plans for the weekend, their goals and projects at work. It makes me realise that I still have a whole lot of the world to see. At 30 countries I don't think I'm doing too badly but it's nothing really compared to what is out there.

So, if anyone fancies a lil adventure, then let me know!! Life is for living - people always tell me that they wish they could just up and live in another country or leave and travel the world. Well, you know what? You CAN! The other thing stopping you is YOU.


Wednesday 15 September 2010

It's ON!

You all know how much I LOVE planning trips.

I was checking out flights for Oz today and ended up booking a flight to Korea instead.

Don't get it wrong - I'm still going to Oz - but I can't pay for the ticket until I get paid anyway so I have to wait for that one.

How exciting!

Also found out that my company have finished their evaluations and will be sponsoring my visa. I'd be so screwed if they didn't - especially as it runs out in November. Cutting it a little too close for my liking, but hey - I got the result I wanted in the end. =)

I decided to treat myself to a pizza to celebrate all this awesomeness. I only devoured a medium this time though - 8 slices instead of my usual piggish 12. Hehe!


Sunday 12 September 2010


Ergh - last week was kinda tough.

A load of family drama and man problems.


It doesn't help that on top of all of that I'm just tired.

I don't really wanna get into a whole load of details about everything, but you know that guy that I said I liked but I didn't want to? He's driving me absolutely CRAZY!! Trust me to be attracted to the most frustrating guy EVER! I swear I just need to start all over again with men - seriously!

I've been on a money saving mission and haven't been out too much this month yet. I'm surprised how much I went out last month given my dire financial situation but I'm getting to a point where I'm getting bored of spending so much time at home. I spend the whole day in front of a computer at work so when I get home, I don't wanna spend hours online or in front of the TV. I think it's time to get out there and start having fun again.

But do you know how tempting it is to just go and show up on this guy's doorstep?! Of course, you know I wouldn't humiliate myself like that but it IS tempting.


I HATE waiting.

I really hate it.


Stupid men.


Monday 6 September 2010


Have you seen Cheryl Cole's new video?

I WANT that dress! The one that she's wearing right at the beginning. HOTNESS!!

Man, I would look soooo good in that LOL!

I've never been a massive fan of Cheryl to be honest but this new song is annoyingly catchy and it's all about that dress for me! Hehe! I actually quite like the tacky lyrics as well.

I wonder if I could get someone to make that dress for me....

All budding designers can contact me!


Sunday 5 September 2010


Season 7 has started!

And I am loving it already. The auditions are always the best bit and there were some right crackers in there this year!

Everyone always cusses out reality shows but I've always liked the ones that support talent. Having said that I only mean X-Factor and Project Runway. I've only ever watched one season of American Idol and that presenter guy is too annoying for me! But where would Leona be without X-Factor? Who knows if she would have been discovered without it.

So yah - something else to watch at the weekend!

I knocked out so early last night. I'm still working hard everyday but I'm trying to get to bed just that little bit earlier to make the next go go a little more smoothly. It seems to be working so I'll keepo my fingers crossed.

Man, I am DYING to go shopping! I haven't been for months (well, since June) and I just wanna get a whole new wardrobe. The only good thing about winter is the fashion. That's it. Can't wait to be back in skinny jeans, boots and chunky knits again! That look really is timeless.


Saturday 4 September 2010

I Think...

I MIGHT like you.

And I don't want to!!!



Wednesday 1 September 2010

Miss Productivity!!

I killed it today!!

I got so much done and treated myself to a large Domino's pizza.

I swear I have got even greedier with age - the whole thing (all 12 slices) was gone in 8 minutes. 8 minutes?!! Surely it's not healthy to eat that fast!

Oh well! Hehe!

It's such a great feeling when you get on top of all the stuff that has been screaming for your attention for months. I didn't get everything done - laziness will always prevail - but I'm still proud of myself! I did everything from working out to cleaning to handwashing to doing my nails to sewing. But now I'm just too tired to do anything else and I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.

I even squeezed in a few sit ups this morning! =D

Starting the month as I mean to go on!



There is nothing like a good sleep to prepare you for the day ahead.

OK, well I was still up early but I feel so READY for today! I have a whole load of things to do but this is the first day off in over 4 weeks where I won't have to cut my day short to go and meet someone or help someone out. So today - no excuses! I'm getting all this shit done!

And it's all starting at the gym!
