“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 21 September 2010

All Clued Up

I'm feeling great!

I've just got back from what has been the most useful training session I've had since I joined this new company. I haven't had to take in that much new information in a long time and you know what? It was really refreshing to actually not know the answers and to have to try and work stuff out for a change.

The session was about Business Strategies and I learnt all about different theories and business strategies and how to analyse people and companies based on their visions and mission statements. It was really, really interesting and so useful! I can't wait to actually apply some of this stuff and incorporate the theories to see how they work out.

So now, I'm all clued up about Strategic Planning, Management Theories, E.I., PEST and SWOT Analysis, and the theory behind the Thinking Hats. I found it that interesting, that I'm actually gonna check out some books about the theories! Kinda geeky but it's all transferable knowledge and I'm looking forward to developing my business skills - not just for now but for the future as well.

Exhausted but I really enjoyed today. There were only 2 of us so I couldn't hide behind anyone else and just listen. I was forced to think and analyse different case studies and come up with solutions and suggestions - most of which I didn't even realise I had the ability to do! Now I know the ability is there, it's definitely something that I want to develop further. I've had this trainer a couple of times before and he commented that he noticed I was happier when I could take something concrete away from a session - when I actually learn something NEW instead of recycling the same old stuff over and over again. I totally agree with him and this is definitely a new direction for me.

Looking forward to putting theory into practice! Gonna be a little tough at first I reckon, but it's definitely a way to make work more interesting for sure.


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