“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 17 September 2010


As my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier throughout the day, all I could think about was getting away.

I am badly missing the beach and the adventures that come with being on holiday. The people, the food, the walking around in a bikini with no make up, the sun, the heat, the not wearing a watch because time doesn't matter, the sleeping in (what is that again!?) and more than anything...the RELAXATION.

I've mentioned a million times how much I've been working my arse off. The problem is, once you get a taste of earning that much money, it's hard to cut back on your hours and accept less. But I know that I HAVE to....not just because I'm knackered but because now that I have the flexibility to travel ANYTIME I want, I really should start making the most of it. I think a trip every month is order! I'm all set for this year in that respect but it's exciting now that I've fully realised that I can leave and take a break WHENEVER, literally WHENEVER I want.

Now that's what I've been waiting for. I mean, I know that I won't get paid for any time off that I take, but who the hell cares when you get out there and see the world?! This year has been kinda slow in terms of the number of trips that I normally take...hang on...has it? By the end of the year I would've been to Kyushu twice, Singapore, Malaysia, the States, Korea and Oz. That's not actually too bad now that I see it written down on paper.

I sit there day in and day out and I listen to what other people are doing. The trips they're planning, their plans for the weekend, their goals and projects at work. It makes me realise that I still have a whole lot of the world to see. At 30 countries I don't think I'm doing too badly but it's nothing really compared to what is out there.

So, if anyone fancies a lil adventure, then let me know!! Life is for living - people always tell me that they wish they could just up and live in another country or leave and travel the world. Well, you know what? You CAN! The other thing stopping you is YOU.


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