“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 29 June 2011

3 Weeks Off!!

I could barely contain my smiles (or the yawns) when I finished work tonight.

3 weeks off - YES PLEASE!!!!

I still haven't really packed - I've always been a pack the night before of get up early on the day packer but it's always different when I go back to the UK because I don't really take much. I never bother with toiletries - I'll buy everything when I get back and I always look at it as a chance to buy a whole new wardrobe so I don't really take any clothes either - about a weeks worth of day and night clothes. That's it.

Excited as hell to be making it to Ibiza in a couple of weeks. Nothing's booked yet but there are loads of last minute deals with the flight and hotel for 3 nights for under £250!! It's so expensive to fly from Japan that it makes a nice change!

And it's definitely upped my excitement about going home! Don't get me wrong - I was looking forward to it before but now I'm seriously, insanely excited!!!!! And I'm not joking - apart from Ibiza, all I can think about is that TESCO Value sausage roll! I've been wanting one for over and year and finally, FINALLY one is going to pass through my lips tomorrow. Probably not even one - I know I'm gonna scoff the whole pack of 5! HAHA!


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