“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 18 June 2011

My Goodness Me!

I really just can't keep up with everything right now!

Time seems to be passing RIDICULOUSLY fast - I mean - we're halfway through June already! There is so much for me to do before I go back to the UK but the hardest part is over!

For those of you who don't know, I have finally sorted out all the grief and stress that I was having with my house. I met with the landlady last weekend and she agreed to sign the contract directly with me, meaning that I don't have to have a credit check and I don't need a guarantor. We went through all parts of the contract in Japanese and she was patient with my understanding - it all seemed too easy! The only thing that she didn't seem overjoyed about cutting out the estate agent is that she would have to fix anything that was broken in the house herself. My flatmate told me that the broiler was broken and she looked like it was the biggest hassle in the world that she would have to organise to replace it herself.

I don't care.

The stress is gone! YAY!

When I had that signed contract in my hands, I actually thought that I was gonna cry from the relief. All the stress just melted away. Well, the stress about that anyway!!! Still hating hardcore on my clients, although I'm working really hard right now to try and fix that. I'm sure the break will do me the world of good - 3 weeks of no real plans should do the trick. I spoke to my mum just now and told her that I'm gonna take her away for her birthday. It'll probably be only a weekend so I was thinking Spain or France. But now I'm thinking Italy just because I've never been there! Shock horror! Can you do Italy in 2 days? Anyone?

I just don't wannt stay in the UK for 3 weeks - especially coz it's so close to Europe. It feels like it would be a waste not to go anyway.

I'm a bit nervous about going abck actually after talking to my mum. The country sounds like it's in a complete state - naturally at the hands of the Tories. Why anyone thought they would keep their word when in power is beyond me. The Tories have always been liars and that's never gonna change. And it's always the lower income families that get hit the hardest.

My mum actually told me to stay in Japan. She said it wasn't even worth going home because the economy is a mess and the tax on everything has made so many people lose their homes, go hungry, and sell their cars. I haven't really paid too much attention to my bank accounts back home, but my mum told me that the interest on my ISA has dropped to less than 1%, so when I go back, I need to start looking at bonds or other ISA accounts.

Obviously, the economy isn't so hot here. I just received my health insurance/pension and inhabitant tax bills. My health and pension are up by 53% and my inhabitant tax is DOUBLE what I was paying last year. I love how they just send us the invoices and then demand the first payment before the end of the month. Well I can tell ya now that that's just not gonna happen!! They normally start sending out reminders when you're about 3 months late with the payments, so they can wait until the end of next month.

Oh yeh, I forgot to tell you that taking over the new lease and buying everything from my flatmate is actually causing me to empty my bank account. LITERALLY. So there goes that mammoth shopping trip I was planning back home!!

Oh well.


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