“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 27 June 2011


I was just having a quick look through my wardrobe to see what I wanted to take back to the UK with me.

I have too many clothes!!!

I know I'm gonna go shopping back home and I want to go shopping back home so ideally I wanna go back with an empty suitcase.

The problem?

I have so many gorgeous clothes I wanna take home with me too!


I've found stuff that I've never even worn! Thr problem is I'm really crap at throwing stuff away. I was trying stuff on that I haven't actually worn for years but I don't wanna get rid of it in case there's that one day where I might wanna wear it. I've packed up a whole load of the newer stuff that I've barely worn to give to my sister. If she doesn't want it, it's off to the charity shop. You don't find those here so it's better than throwing away perfectly good clothes.

Nah man I really should take less....I wanna make sure that I have plenty of room left to bring stuff back in. Especially since I'm gonna be going on toiletry overload!! It's just so hard to leave anything behind! I'm looking at my case - it's not packed but I've just been tossing clothes in it that I wanna take either to wear myself or to donate and it's overflowing!! >_<

Honestly, I really can't believe that I haven't worn any of this stuff! What a waste!

I'm being really good as well and am planning to take home my Japanese study books. Even if I don't end up doing anything, at least the intention is there!


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