“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 2 June 2011

You Guys Are AMAZING!!!


I was really and truly overwhelmed by the amount of birthday love I received this year. I never thought it would top last year - but it most certainly has!

80+ Facebook messages (on my wall and to my inbox)

15 emails

11 phone calls

6 text messages


The best bit was seeing them all come in from every corner of the globe. The first messages came from OZ, and then Japan and then slowly working their way west with the time differences. The last one (so far) came in from Chile a few hours ago. It's awesome just watching an influx of people start wishing me happy birthday as June 1st came round in their countries. I dunno - it feels really special.

More than anything, I just honestly appreciate people taking the time to wish me happy birthday. It's so nice and I've spent the last couple of days with a big a grin on my face as I find myself swamped with all this birthday love. It always reminds me that I really need to keep in touch with people a lot better.

I had a lovely day yesterday with my girl shopping and stuffing my face in Ginza. I shan't reveal the total damage to our wallets but we certainly treated ourselves! =D

As one most certainly should on their birthday!

One year older and most definitely one year wiser!!

Thank you for helping me see in my 28th! I hope it's a gonna be a good one!


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