“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 15 October 2011

Bring on 2012!!

OMG I am soooo pumped for next year.

I'm telling ya now - it's gonna be a HUMUNGOUS year for travel.

I'm kinda getting to the point where I'm like thinking that I'm hitting my last chances to travel before I settle down into a career. So screw saving - I'm going for it!

On the cards....

I'm gonna start by seeing in the New Year in Laos. Once that's done, I only have Brunei and Burma left and then I've travelled all of SE Asia. I was supposed to go to Laos when I went to Thailand and Cambodia 3 years ago, like everyone does, but there were loads of issues with the flight times that would have left me only 1 day there. Totally not the time that such a beautiful country deserves.

Then in February, I'm planning to head back to Miami....and THE MOTHER******* CARIBBEAN!!!! Back to the motherland baby!! 

Where did that come from?

You know I told me about my friend who decided to move back to S. Africa for a guy? Well, I'm not doing the same thing but I've kinda taken that as motivation to see if there was really anything there with the guy that made me drop my ice cream on my last night in Miami last year. I haven't been able to get that fine specimen out of my head and it's a step I wanna take to see if there REALLY was all that magic there....or whether it was a case of one perfect last night in Miami. It's so much cheaper to get to Miami and then try and book a cruise or flight from there instead of trying to go directly from Japan and be travelling for like 36 hours. No thank you!

Next, is definitely a trip to Hawaii. In my job, day in and day out, I hear people tell me how beautiful Hawaii is. I need to see it for myself. And cross it off the list of course!! ;-)

I haven't quite decided what the plan for GW is yet. I want to go back and hit up the northern part of Vietnam. When I went, I only went to Saigon (HCM) and I feel that I may have missed some of the best bits of the country. You know I'm not normally keen on going back to the same place twice, but it would be a different part and definitely a very different experience to when I went there a few years ago.

And then I'm definitely planning on taking that birthday trip to Guam that I was gonna do this year. Just 4 days to chill out and relax. Nice.

After that it's back to the UK for the Olympics. If the Olympics weren't in London, then I would definitely wait and go back for Christmas but I LOVE the Olympics and the time difference just isn't going to cut it with me.

Then it's on to what was supposed to be this year's plan for Christmas - New Zealand. In a way, I am so sad that i didn't think to book that ticket sooner because it means that I won't see my gorgeous, lovey friend who I miss so, so, SO much. But it's just too much. Definitely going to be more on point and organized next year.

Wow - writing that all down, I'm really wondering how I'm going to afford to go everywhere. The first 6 months of the year are going to be absolutely crazy! Even if everything doesn't go exactly to plan, you know I'm damn well gonna try! HAHA! I just feel like even if I spend every single penny I have on travelling - it's completely worth it! I know I'll just have to work my arse off a little bit harder in between. At the same time, i can't lose sight of my end goal and neglect my Japanese study. So it's just gonna be about finding that balance.

Super excited! This is just gonna be so, so amazing and I really can't wait to share these wonderful experiences with special people.

Just a quick shout out (which I NEVER do on here) to thank J.B for being such an AMAZING travel buddy!! I couldn't ask for anyone better! =)


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