“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 12 October 2011

So Mad!!!!!

I was having such a great day until I tried to get home after my Japanese lesson.

I went to the gym for a killer aqua dance class - no joke - my legs were CANING when I was walking home. 

Got home, made some lunch, did a little study and then headed out to my Japanese class. It went so well today as I FINALLY caught up on all that N3 grammar and absolutely aced the test that she gave me. Even she said that even though I have no N2 grammar, it would be a waste of time taking N3 this year. Another little confidence boost that all this money that I'm spending on these lessons is defintiely paying off.

After the lesson, I actually planned to go to Starbucks and study all afternoon, but I realised that I had forgotten my wallet so I decided to head back home. When I got to Yoyogi, the train didn't leave the station and no one could understand what the guy was announcing on the speakerphone because he was mumbling so much. I asked the people around me what was going on, and no one seemed to know anything. After about 5 minutes, a whole load of people got off, but seeing how the train on the other platform had just pulled out, I decided to stay put. I mean, it's my day off and whilst it's not the best way to spend it, I didn't need to rush to be anywhere, so I just pulled out my books and studied. 20 minutes later, nothing had happened, but by that point I had become pretty defiant - I kept thinking that the second I decided to get off the train, the doors would close and it would move off. 

An hour passed and I was just mad. I didn't wanna waste any more of my time - especially when days off are so rare for me - so I just gave up and went to see what was going on. I got upstairs and the station guy told me that someone had fallen onto the tracks at Nerima. Jumped more like!

That REALLY annoys me about this city. If you wanna kill yourself, why don't you go and do it somewhere else? In your house? Go drown in the sea? Jump off a cliff? Why the hell do you want to inconvenience a whole damn city?! So selfish! I was so pissed off that I could see the smoke coming from my ears. I mean, who do these people think they are that they can hold up other people. Grrrrr....

So I ended up having to go to Ikebukuro and then getting the Seibu line home from there. No biggie - I was just annoyed that I had waited it out so long and then had to give up anyway! I was so tired by the time I got home that I couldn't be bothered to study so I had to give in to starting Cycle 15 of ANTM! HAHA!

I'll make up for it tomorrow though - I'm working a split shift so it's gonna be a long day, but I'm gonna use that time in the middle to do all the studying that I was supposed to do today.

Selfish, selfish people.


1 comment:

amimii said...

I'm completely with you on this one. Really angers me too ~ so inconsiderate for everyone else. Go do it quietly somewhere!!!! Urgh.