“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 5 October 2011


OMG how ghastly is the weather today?!?!

Not only has it been raining all day, it's sooo cold! (T T) I'd take the heat and humidity any day - although it is nice not needing any air con!

I have had sucha  long day today. When I got outside the door this morning to walk to the gym, I so nearly turned around and went back inside. How proud am I that I DID walk in this horrible weather! Even though I hated every second of it. I then hit up the supermarket and loaded up with fruit and veg goodies before jumping on the subway back home.

Just enough time to put my shopping away, get changed and then head out again to my Japanese class. A long 90 minutes full of challenges to prepare me for a test that I should probably not be taking but am gonna attempt anyway. I just don't have enough time to prepare for it now and am seriously wondering whether I should have registered for N3 instead and just smashed it. Oh well, too late now! Plus, I really do wanna know how much more work I need to do.

After the lesson, it's a quick walk to the station and then off to Omotesando for my Brazilian. Dunno what it is, but everytime that I've had an appointment there, it rains. Something is definitely up with that.

No sooner had I got my clothes back on, I was hurrying back to the station to get to work. 10 minutes before my shift was due to start, I had to get changed and put my make up on, start up the computer and plaster a smile on my face. The latter was definitely the hardest, as all I wanted to do was kick back and relax. 

I told you that I'd been having some issues at work. I reluctantly addressed those today - what will come of it, I'm not sure but we'll see what happens. Now I'm back at home and about to get ready for bed for a 5am start tomorrow.

No day off until next Wednesday. (T T)



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